Wrestler Name: Tim Edgren
Nicknames: former monikers- Tim Eddwards "The Entertainer", the dirty white boy, xavier "the nighthawk" cross, andrew aries, andrew cross, Nemo the night hunter, "Freaky Fred", Tim "fast pitch" Edgren, "the python", the American Icon, The Golden Boy, St Paul Sensation.
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair color: brown
Eye color: hazel
Race: Caucasian(Swedish/Irish)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Size: cruiserweight
Nationality: American
Hometown: Twin Cities, Minnesota
Currently resides: owns home in St. Paul, MN
Alignment: Face
classification: cruiserweight, entertainer, high flier, hardcore, high risk
Entrance Music: Centerfield
Entrance Description: [tv] Centerfield played as Tim's "Fast Pitch" titantron played.
Well, beat the drum and hold the phone - the sun came out today!
We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field.
A-roundin’ third, and headed for home, it’s a brown-eyed handsome man;
Anyone can understand the way I feel.
Oh, put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Look at me, I can be centerfield.

Tim walked out, his baseball jersey on. The crowd roared as he stood on the stage, two baseballs and a bat in hand. He pointed off to one side, tossing a ball up and tapping it into the stands. He then went to the other side, seeing a "hit it here Tim" sign with a target. He smile and hit the ball, sending it to the sign. He headed to a child and signed the bat, handing it to the child and smiling. He then positioned himself and motioned his arms to the ring, sprinting and sliding into the ring. He looked around at what area was cheering louder and jumped to the corner, tossing his MN Twins baseball hat into the crowd before his music died.
[ppv] Centerfield played as Tim's "Fast Pitch" titantron played.
Well, beat the drum and hold the phone - the sun came out today!
We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field.
A-roundin’ third, and headed for home, it’s a brown-eyed handsome man;
Anyone can understand the way I feel.
Oh, put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Look at me, I can be centerfield.
Well, I spent some time in the mudville nine, watchin’ it from the bench;
You know I took some lumps when the mighty casey struck out.
So say hey willie, tell ty cobb and joe dimaggio;
Don’t say "it ain’t so", you know the time is now.
Oh, put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Look at me, I can be centerfield.

the sound of Tim's 4-wheeler sounded off as he drove out, T-shirt cannon ready with his "U Never C It Comin'" shirts loaded up.
He aimed the t-shirt cannon, firing a few shirts into the audience before setting it down and revving the engine. He drove down the ramp and circled to the announcer table side. He parked the 4-wheeler between the announcer tables and fired two more shirts into the cheering crowd. He then took off his autographed hat and placed it on a small child's head, smiling. He then slid into the ring and hopped onto the first corner. He raised his arms, holding one finger up with both hands. He did the same with the other three corners, taking off his shirt as he got ready for the match.
Got a beat-up glove, a homemade bat, and brand-new pair of shoes;
You know I think it’s time to give this game a ride.
Just to hit the ball and touch ’em all - a moment in the sun;
(pop) it’s gone and you can tell that one goodbye!
Oh, put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Put me in, coach - I’m ready to play today;
Look at me, I can be centerfield
Moves known for: Iron Claw STO, Running double knee + mule kick combo (opp. in turnbuckle), slingshot elbow (opp. on back bounce off rope back roll towards opponent whipping elbow into gut), GTO (headlock with bridge opp on stomach with ankle locked in), half nelson back breaker, Beheader (flipping cutter from behind), Headhunter (diving spear to the neck), Nightmare Falls (running swanton on downed opponent), Dividing Cross (falling Gory Bomb), White Tiger bomb (chickenwing hold lifting opponent upside and and landing with a dominator impact), Topsy Turvey(sunset flip powerbomb), top rope sabat kick, Shutout (cobra clutch in seated position), Neck Crank, Heel Hook submission, Black Eye (shining wizard knee), tiger feint kick, Handspring Splash, St. Paul Stunner
Finishers: Guillotine Choke, Knuckle Ball (diving fist drop), Impaler
Home Run- Tim places the opponent in the Tree of Woe. He pantomimes hitting a ball and runs the corners like they're bases, on the final side he does a running ball slide to the opponents face with the full momentum.
Hardcore maneuvers: baseball bat, T-shirt gun, fastball pitches as a weapon.
WWENG US Champion (as Nemo the Nighthunter)
WWENG Tag Team Champion (with Blood as Andrew Aries)
Revival of the WWENG Hardcore Championship (as Tim Eddwards)
EWA Internet Champion
other achievements: 3 time Midwest Minor League player of the week, MLB Rookie of the Year, Winner of the very first EWA Ultimate Ladder Match (2012), GM of Saturday Night Evolution (WWE:E).
History: Tim grew up watching professional wrestling with a dream. While fairly new to the scene, Tim Edgren was actually well versed in smaller circuits like the WWENG. He first came in with his brother Dave to make "The Entertainer's" tag team, entering with classic rock music and working nearly flawlessly. After reviving the hardcore title, proclaiming himself the undisputed champ. The up and comers caught the eye of the Faction NWF, ran by Straight Edge Saint and Killer Wolf. All the attention wasn't positive though. Blood Sumi, the current US champion, got into a match with Tim's contract on the line. After a harsh match Tim lost, being told to leave along with his brother.
but this was not the end.
Tim took on a dark moniker known as "Nemo the Night Hunter", making his second debut slipping into Blood Sumi's match and driving his head into the mat, leaving him out cold. The hottest rivalry in the WWENG ensued, sneak attacks and interruptions boiling over between the two. Blood Sumi then found an ally in the new wrestler Alucard. Through the battles Blood and Tim (as Nemo) eventually joined together, forming the Sons of Destruction stable. They turned on Alucard, betraying him in the middle of the ring. They came out on top. Tim soon grew tired of the Night Hunter moniker and left with injuries and thoughts of returning to his roots. He returned, debuting as Andrew Aries (formerly known as well as Xavier "the nighthawk" cross and andrew cross), Blood Sumi becoming once again his tag partner and manager. Together Blood and Tim dominated the tag team division of the WWENG.
Then came the death of the WWENG, the circuit was too small that it couldn't survive.
Tim was then recruited into the WWE:E, under the Evolution brand.
WWE:E was not a huge splash for Tim, or so it seemed.He had a winning streak for a while. In his debut he faced the veteran TJ Angel. TJ was furious at being beaten by a newcomer and challenged Tim to a rematch at the Crusade Pay Per View: a TLC match. The match was intense, but Tim won out with several amazing feats including a Knuckle Ball fist drop from atop the ladder and a dividing cross through a table. Tim's winning streak continued until he faced Jed for the asylum championship. Tim seemed to have the match in hand, seeing himself as the new asylum champion until disaster struck: a draw. Tim was devastated, almost obsessed with getting one more match. The match never came, eventually The Number Three holding onto the title. Tim tried to aim higher, calling out the Undisputed Champion Chrono Clepsydra. His challenges went unmet. After a while the competitive chapter of Tim's E:E career would come to a close, but not his full career. Tim ended up becoming the new General Manager of Saturday Night Evolution.
Tim found a new ground for competition: the #1 show of g-fed EWA. Recruited for his skill and ambition, Tim stormed the internet and eventually debuted against the Honor Guard for Dion Necurat's Intercontinental Title at the anniversary ppv Dementium. The tag match ended in disaster, with Jarel Damone being a less than compatible partner and Tim eating the signature "Das Boot". Tim was then inducted into the internet developmental show Future Wrestling Dynasty. In FWD, Tim had nowhere to go but up. Wins and losses, he rose the ranks and become the top rookie in EWA. His success become a huge boost, landing him a spot for the Internet Title hunt. At the order of the head of FWD Three, Tim was forced to give the win to his opponent Eric Thompson, but he didn't go say. The match was long and brutal, both men barely able to stand afterwards. Eric bragged of his success of making Tim pass out with a submission, but Tim forced himself up and stated that he would fight. He told Eric if they faced each other again it would end differently. He told The Number Three "I grew up always being small, I fought guys bigger than me. I fought my way into this business. I do it all for the fans, for their cheers and applause. So you tell the bookers, the GMs, the higher-ups; If they want a champion who will destroy his own body for this company and it's fans, look no further than Tim Edgren." When Conquest came Eric didn't know his opponent until Three came out and announced it was Tim Edgren. After yet another heated and brutal match that was 2 out of 3 falls, Tim came out the battered victor. Tim became the new Internet Champion and still is today. Using the title, he started his new show The Dugout. Winning the gold opened new doors for Tim, as he gained a spot in the annual Ultimate Ladder Match. The match was insane, by far Tim's greatest challenge. Eventually it came down to Tim and The Suicidal One Matt Draven fighting over the trophy which broke in two. With a newfound respect for the rookie, Draven handed Tim the piece off the trophy, giving Tim the victory and the ULM contract. Already being a champion, Tim has yet to cash in his ULM contract, many of his fans look forward to the next chapter.
The next chapter in Tim's career came from being a champion. He had the title, and with it a target on his back. His first title defense was against Eric Thompson once more, the match ending with the two shaking hands. Then came the first true contender: a masked man known as Venganza. After his second title defense against Salem Croft, Venganza came from nowhere and assaulted the champ with his tonfa. The men went back and forth with each other, brawling and assaulting with fist and weapon. It all boiled down to their match for Tim's title. He said "you want some? I will fight you! Come and get it!" and come Venganza did. At Glacial Impact, the two got booked for a Street Fight for the internet championship.
"I grew up always being small, I fought guys bigger than me. I fought my way into this business. I do it all for the fans, for their cheers and applause. So you tell the bookers, the GMs, the higher-ups; If they want a champion who will destroy his own body for this company and it's fans, look no further than Tim Edgren."
Notable Feuds:
Blood Sumi (WWENG)
Alucard (WWENG)
Eric Thompson (EWA)
Venganza (EWA)