Community Member
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 @ 08:21am
Well i guess this is it....this is the end...everything i said everyting i did was just a waste of that all is ending i close my eyes dreaming of another place. My head is filled with memmoryes...all that memorryes....that burned down to asshes. All that i got left now is dust and emptiness...all i ever fought for is now gone, lost in the infinity. Here i am again in the middle of nowhere looking at the dawn searching a way out of this. Here i am again at the end of another chapter of my life that was one of my beautifull ones. Here i am again alone and lost in this place to go...Something keeps telling me the same words but i can’t figure out what that voice comes from. It keeps repeating the same words:lolneiness, mistakes,imperfection,sadness,guilt....God damn it! Where is the voice coming from? Why cant i see you? Who are you by the way? Were do you come from? Why are u telling this to me? Why? In my despair i realize that im talking alone and there is no one with me...alone...yes...that voice was just my conscience telling me that because of a mistake and my imperfection i eneded up lonley, sad and with a guilt that i can’t make it go away. I close my eyes again and i look into my past. I’m walking on the path of my past memorryes trying to figure out what i did wrong. I ask myself why? And how? But the same voice answers to me....mistake. i try to find out the mistake i did...i am searching madly for it....i look in every memory i got left, i even look between the ashes maybe i will remember something. In the end i give up i let myself fall into oblivion. The voice apears again repeating the same word again and again....mistake. I’m telling it to shut up, i yell to let me be, i comand it to leave...but the voice is still there. What can I do now? what is that mistake I did?...I cant find a possible answer...I cant find that mistake....and suddelny it hits me...the mistake that i did was you....all that time i was careless and I was blind...I was childish and i was gealous....and so i let u walk away from me. I pushed u away from me and now i am sorry....but there is nothing i can do to repair my mistake a simple I am sorry won’t work. I would try to find you but there is no use right now. You are away now, you walk your own path. In my despair i try to find you, to tell you how wrong i was , to tell you how sorry i am, to tell you what a big mistake i did. But i cant find are gone and lost forever...there is nothing i can do...i cant get back in time, i cant change the past. Exhaused from all that running i lie down on the ground letting myself fall into the deep infinity hoping that one day i will get the chance to see you again and to tell you all that i didnt manage to tell you back then, to tell you how sorry i was and how lonely i felt, to tell you how much i cared about you and how much i yeaned for this day to see you again...but in the end i guess it doesn’t matter anyore....