Most initial analysis of the new recruits were entirely accurate with one exception. The recruit Aveon impressed the guards from the very beginning but to let them describe his level of skills severely undervalued him. Everything about Aveon is honed to a fine edge - like the blades he delights in using wherever and whenever possible. On one of the first mornings of the training, the recruits paired up for one-on-one combat. Aveon was paired up with a large bear of man who'd hailed from the villages where . Although the guards wouldn't rate the Northerner's training and strategies, the bear of a man facing Aveon was a fine specimen, obviously well used to grappling in close quarters. A guard signaled for the combat to begin and as expected, the big man charged forwards to grab Aveon in a bear-like embrace. Aveon stood stock still until it appeared he would be crushed by the onslaught. At the very last second, Aveon dropped to the ground and swept out the Man's leg as it came down. With his balance stolen, the man began to fall forwards - only to meet Aveon's elbow as it travelled upwards with incredible force as he rose to his feet once more.
As the Northerner tumbled backwards, his nose and jaw clearly broken, again Aveon stood like a statue in the pose that had done so much damage. Only when the man crunched unconcious to the floor did Aveon move again, looking with disdain at his downed opponent. The guard's each mumbling and whispering amongst themselves, before of course one of them stepped out, wanting to test themselves. The cold air was blowing briskly against Aveon's skin, the guards had the recruits come out in light, thin frabric training garb. The air was simply ripping through it and attack his skin as if it were bare, but he kept his focus, he knew it was the guard's way of getting them adjusted to the harshness that could come with any situation.
After circling and testing each others defenses with low kicks, lunges, feints and jabs, Aveon launched an attack on the guard - a superman punch followed by a series of spinning kicks. The guard blocked each attack, but was driven back. Then it was his turn to attack. Noticing that Aveon's left leg was on loose snow rather than the solid ice, the guard focused his attacks on his left knee, knowing that this surface would make it harder to leap from. Kick followed punch followed kick as the guard saught to drill home his advance. Although none of his blows found their target, he was looking for a specific opening - and then the guard saw it.
As Aveon blocked another of my punches, used the momentum to spin to his outside and reached his goal. The guard was behind him and ready to deliver a neck breaker. But as the guard reached around his neck to deliver the (in this case mock) killer blow, the guard was stropped in his tracks. Aveon grabbed both of his arms and used them as a playform to vault over the guard's head.
The guard turned and they faced each other. "Impressive" The guard said. Aveon inclined his head in the guard's direction. "Thank you sir."
Before long, the guard went over to the weapon's racks and grabbed two wooden swords. Tossing one to Aveon and then taking up an offensive stance. Aveon smirked, duing the same, his feet spread evenly a shoulder's distance from one another. Taking his sword in both hands, he lowered his center of gravity by slightly bending his knees. He left arm was straight, with his left hand above the right, while his right arm was slightly bent by the elbow. His sword's tip was at eye level to the guard's face. When the guard gave the signal, they both dashed off at one another, their two wooden swords locked at one another. A smirk on both each other's face, as they tested each other's strength trying to over take the other. When they were stuck at a stalemate, Aveon quickly shifted his weight to his back leg, letting the guard over taking him, before pivoting to his right, spinning around the guard. The guard lost his balance, as his momentum overtook him. Aveon quickly came up behind him ready to slash him down across his back.
The guard, brought his flat end of his sword against his back, blocking the strike, and delivering a swift sweep to Aveon's leg. The sweep knocked him off his feet, and he landed on his back, while guard turned ready to thrust his wooden sword into Aveon chest. Aveon quickly rolled into the snow, dodging the blow and quickly rolling on to his knees where he brought up the flat end of his wooden sword to block the guards powerful downward strike. Their fight seemed to be again evenly matched, and the cold seemed to get even more unbarable now that Aveon's cloths were wet. He would have to end it quickly. Pushing back the guard's advance, by jumping from his kneeled position, he quickly slashed at the guard's knee which caused him to flinch lurking over to his right, and with his left side now open, Aveon deliver as swift vertical slash. Bring his wooden sword crashing down on the guard's shoulder. The sword shattered over the man's light armor, but it was obvious that if it had been under different circumstances, that would have been a killing blow.
Shaking the guard's hand Aveon was praised for his skills, and how he would've made his old man proud.
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This is wat i have to say dont like then oh well

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