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Username: NecroPlant
Shinigami Name: Inumuta Jakazure
Human Name:Jonathan Stevens

Actual Age: 520
Appearance Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'4
Weight: 176 lbs
Hair: Platinum
Eyes: Blue

Blood Type: O-
Medical Conditions:
Chronic Arrhythmia
Wardrobe: Inumuta sticks to the attire associated with his division. Occasionally in his free time he likes to sample mens casual wear from the human world. Though nothing is ever particularly formal. Tying in with his loathing for prudish individuals.

Physical Appearance: Unlike many in his division Inumuta is highly skilled in Hakudo. His musculature is evidence of this as it proves to be one of the most well built in the twelfth division bearing resemblances to the Eleventh division elites sculpted abdominals and thundering biceps. Despite this he doesn't hold a vast majority of the Eleventh divisions egos and keeps the showboating to them. He would be in the most pristine of health if not for his medical condition.

Personal Information

  • Podology: In his previous life he was a podiatrist. The musculoskeletal system of the human foot was most intriguing but even more so was there possible tie to a sub species. His studies proposed a thesis connecting the missing link with the adaptations of the human foot. He believes that the cryptid labeled as "Big foots" are actually humans who never adopted the belief in wearing footwear to protect one's feet as such the "Bigfoots" adapted having their feet grow larger in size and strength and allowing for faster travel and increased resistance to tougher terrain. If asked about his "Branching evolutionary paths theory" He will go on for what seems like hours about how a "Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Etc" has absolutely no relation to the missing link at all but rather it has become its own evolutionary outcome and was the result of two different human ideologies. The shoe wearing and the shoeless.
  • Violins: Inumuta has always admired string instruments from common acoustic to the hard rock electric. However, there is one string instrument he admires the most and that is the violin. Inumuta has always wanted to play the violin but isn't very coordinated when it comes to his individual fingers. Hence his dislike for dissections and tasks that require surgical precision. It is a dream he will forever hold.
  • Direct Precision and Singular Focus: A single goal. To think straight. To not remain on a dictated path prone to being swayed, to follow through with an initial ideal. While Inumuta has difficult time remaining at a steady concise pace he excels at functioning at a rapid singular pace. For example Move Vase A, to Area B, Complete. Find Target A, Shoot Target A, Complete.
  • Insects: If he hadn't become a podologist then he would have been an Entomologist in a heart beat. The man devotes himself to spend his free time studying exo-skeletons and secretions.
  • Machines: Machines are the future, or so it has been said and Inumuta believes this thoroughly. When his passions collide one might find a beetle in functioning automaton with nice legs.

  • Adversity in Precision Operations: Having to play both fields. To go up whilst heading down. To follow to a tee despite adversity. For example Make Precise Cut to Heart A. Heart A begins to bleed profusely. Make the necessary modification to procedure./ Orders have been given to proceed to area A for an ambush on the enemy. Begin Procedure. Procedure interrupted via change of plan.
  • Prudes: Despite Inumuta's distaste for the adverse he also has a firm dislike of individuals that fall under the category of stickler. People with the need to reiterate the rules on regular basis instills a sense of loathing. Simply because a rule is set does not make it right to follow. Inumuta has two philosophies. Do as the rule states entirely. Deny what the rule states entirely.
  • Collecting irrelevant data: The term "It may become relevant later." is something Inumuta does not enjoy hearing. If something cannot be used in the now. Then it loses most if not all relevancy to him.
  • Flirting/Pranks/Horror Films: It is a love hate relationship when exposed to any of these three things. Many individuals within the soul society have had it brought to their attention that Inumuta has a weak heart. Yet still they tend to perform the occasional prank just to see if he'll keel over. Inumuta has trained himself to try and respond to all forms of flirting with logic absolute to prevent the butterflies in the stomach needles in his heart. Of course sometimes it makes him come off as inconsiderate. Which he dislikes.
  • Overwhelming Odds: When receiving too many objectives at once or when a situation seems logically helpless this causes Inumuta to become to not only become overwhelmed but crawl into a mental fetal position.


  • Demons: Demon babies in particular, The very concept of an innocent baby becoming a hellspawn driven to suck the marrow from your bones is a terrifying thought. Anything that tends to have features similar to the biblical fallen angels give him the willies.
  • The Ocean: Trips to the beach are not something Inumuta enjoys if it involves swimming in the open water. Inumuta is scared to death of the unknowns in the water in fact one could say he's simply scared of the unknown altogether.
  • Death Via Heart Attack: Having suffered from heart attacks in the past due to his arrhythmia he is deathly afraid of the day his heart fails him for certain.


Personality: Inumuta is a driven and typically routine individual. He thinks singularly rather than wildly. Needless to say it makes the man terrible at multi-tasking. Inumuta has a habit of creating a system of priorities. I.e Make the bed, cook breakfast, file paperwork, frame picture. He never strays from what he's marked as a priority i.e the previous schedule would never become cook breakfast, make bed, frame picture, file paperwork if someone told him to do it differently the day he's set his mind on the current order of events. Suffice to say despite popular belief Inumuta isn't a close minded individual. He is open to changes and new ways of thinking however he will not apply said thinking until the previous task is completed for example. I.e Inumuta has decided to make cupcakes with pumpkins. Squadmate suggests he try Lemons for a real zing. Inumuta agrees but finishes making the pumpkin cupcakes anyway and then makes the lemon cupcakes. Inumuta has an unwavering respect or rather incredibly submissive attitude toward authority...depending on who gave the order first, their ethos, and their division. Orders are broken down into casts. Where the chain of command follows from more authority to less authority based on Inumuta's personal preference starting with >Rank Superiority>12th Division>1st Division>2nd Division>3rd Division>6th Division>11th Division>13th Division>5th Division>4th Division>10th Division>9th Division>7th Division>8th Division. Individuals who trump the other will have their orders executed first. In the event of two superior officers the CoC goes into the division said officer is from. Inumuta is a terrible listener he focuses on logical perspectives rather than emotion if someone were to ask him what love was he'd explain albeit cheerfully "Its a chemical reaction that I can invoke right now by injecting oxytocin and dopamine directly into your brain. I can even manipulate your hypothalamus to do the same. Find someone else and I can have you two making babies in no time even if she hates your guts now."

Affiliation Information

Species: Soul
Ethnicity: English
Race: Shinigami
Division: 12th
Seat Lieutenant
Occupation: Lieutenant

Background Information

Past Divisions:12th Division, 4th Division, 9th Division
Time Line:

Full Bio Exposed Soon. I wouldn't assume a Bio would need re-examination so it will be edited in later once I get some things cleared


Shinigami Abilities:


    Name: Sho (Thrust)
    Rank: Hado 1
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Rudimentary Hado. Inflicts impact instead of damage. The practitioner points at the target with his/her index finger and generates a small force that thrusts the target back a few feet away from the caster.

    Name: Byakurai (Pale Lightning)
    Rank: Hado 4
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: The user gathers high-density spiritual energy and discharges it from both hands. The practitioner points at the intended target with their index finger and generates a concentrated lightning bolt.

    Name: Tsuzuri Raiden (Bound Lightning)
    Rank: Hado 11
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Tsuzuri Raiden is primarily used for offense. The practitioner generates an electric current through any object that he/she touches and that electricity damages anything or anyone that is in contact with the object the current runs through.

    Name: Fushibi (Ambush Flare)
    Rank: Hado 12
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Momo Hinamori uses this spell in conjunction with Shakkaho and a Kido net that has entangled her opponents, resulting in a large explosion around them all. It is a Hado spell and according to Rangiku Matsumoto, it is number 12

    Name: Shakkaho (Red Fire Cannon)
    Rank: Hado 31
    Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"
    Description: The user generates high-temperature flames and discharges it from both hands. The practitioner generates an orb of crimson red energy in his/her palm or finger. The orb can be any size from small, medium or large depending on the level of power being used. The destructive power released by the blast can vary between a simple explosion to a pillar of energy. In both instances the spell causes concussive as well as burn damage. It is one of the mid-level Hado spells. The spell is of the common spells taught at the Shin'o Academy. It tends to be many Shinigami's default offensive spell, for those well versed and not so well versed in Kido.

    Name: Okasen (Yellow Fire Flash)
    Rank: Hado 32
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Okasen is primarily used for offense. The practitioner raises his/her Zanpakuto horizontally in front of him/her and generates a yellow orb that widens itself along the length of their sword. Once it is fully charged it fires outward as a horizontal blast, in a wide arc of yellow energy at the target. This technique can be launched from the hand instead of a Zanpakuto, albeit producing a shorter arc.

    Name: Sokatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)
    Rank: Hado 33
    Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."
    Description: Blue flame discharge from the palm. The practitioner aims the palm of his/her hand at the target then generates a torrent of blue spiritual energy and fires it at said target. The energy moves like a direct blast or a large wave of energy depending on the amount of power placed into it.

    Name: Haien (Abolishing Flames)
    Rank: Hado 54
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: A flame attack which eradicates the very existence of its target. The practitioner fires an oblong blast of purple spiritual energy from their hand that incinerates a target completely when it makes contact.

    Name: Tenran (Orchid Sky)
    Rank: Hado 58
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Tenran is primarily used for offense. The practitioner levitates his/her Zanpakuto and lightly hits one end causing it to spin like a fan. The practitioner then stops it and invokes a widening tornado-like blast which is fired forward toward the target. A hand is also usable as a catalyst of the spell if the Zanpakuto is not available.

    Name: Sai (Restrain)
    Rank: Bakudo 1
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: This is a restraining spell that contains the limbs to immobilize the enemy. The practitioner points using his/her index and middle fingers at the intended target(s), causing the target's arms to lock behind their back. The spell is usable on a single target or a significantly large group of people.

    Name: Hainawa (Crawling Rope)
    Rank: Bakudo 4
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Binds enemies with a Reishi rope to stop their movement. The practitioner generates a crackling yellow energy rope within his/her hand(s) and releases toward the opponent. The energy entangles itself around the opponent's arms and body, immobilizing them.

    Name: Seki (Repulse)
    Rank: Bakudo 8
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Seki is primarily used for deflection. The practitioner generates an orb of light blue energy that rebounds an attack when said attack makes contact with it. The effect not only blocks the attack, but repels whatever strikes it.

    Name: Geki (Strike)
    Rank: Bakudo 9
    Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
    Description: Geki is primarily used for disabling. The practitioner draws the symbols of the spell in the air which causes his/her entire body to permeate a red energy. The same red energy engulfs the body of the target and causes complete paralysis.

    Name: Horin (Disintegrating Circle)
    Rank: Bakudo 9
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Horin is primarily used to disable. The practioner uses the index and middle fingers and generates an orange hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to ensnare the opponent as the tendril wraps around their body immobilizing them. The end of it remains in the hands of the user allowing them to control the path of the tendril before and after capture. The Kido is able to connect with another one of itself if both have captured a target and bind them together.

    Name: Sekienton (Red Smoke Escape
    Rank: Bakudo 21
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Sekienton is primarily used for escape. The practitioner places the palms of their hands down on the ground and red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing a quick getaway.

    Name: Kyokko (Bent Light)
    Rank: Bakudo 26
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Hides the physical form and Reiatsu of the caster by bending light.

    Name: Shitotsu Sansen (Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)
    Rank: Bakudo 30
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Shitotsu Sansen is primarily used to disable. The practitioner generates a burst of crackling yellow energy in his/her palm and uses that energy to draw an inverted yellow triangle. The triangle then generates solidified energy in the shape of triangles from the three points of the inverted triangle. The fired triangles hit the intended target and pin him/her against a nearby surface, slamming into his or her body in three places in the shape of a perfect triangle and immobilize the target.

    Name: Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)
    Rank: Bakudo 37
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Tsuriboshi is primarily used to catch. The spell creates a ball of blue energy that fires out six "ropes" from its center. The "ropes" attach themselves to any sturdy nearby object and the energy in the center solidifies into a flat elastic-like cushion. The spell can stop falling objects similar to a safety net.

    Name: Enkosen (Round Lock Fan)
    Rank: Bakudo 39
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Enkosen is primarily used for defense. The practitioner can use either both hands or his/her Zanpakuto in a blocking motion. The spell then generates a dull yellow energy in front of the practitioner that takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed reiatsu to block an opponent's attack.

    Name: Kakushitsuijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)
    Rank: Bakudo 58
    Incantation: "Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain."
    Description: Kakushitsuijaku heightens the user's senses and awareness to seize a target. Kakushituikaku is primarily used for tracking and locating any spiritual force the user focuses on. The practitioner draws a circle with the appropriate symbols set apart in four quadrants upon the ground using a black powder. They then place their hands palms down just under the circle to activate the spell. The circle glows with a blue light as the symbols are animated within the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.


  • Konso the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses (souls) in the living world and send them to their respective place. Either Soul Society if they are good in life, or to Hell if their life was full of evil acts (such as murders, theft, etc). Soul Burial is performed by using the hilt of the Shinigami's Zanpakuto, tapping the soul on the head and transporting them to the afterlife.

  • Hollow Cleansing When a Shinigami slays a Hollow (evil spirit), with their Zanpakuto they cleanse their sins. Once this takes place a Hollow will return to its former state as a Plus and is led into Soul Society. This is called sublimation. Souls that live in the Soul Society are reborn again into the human world. Not all Hollows are sent to the Soul Society. Hollows that committed serious crimes when they were alive are sent to Hell.

  • Shunpo a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. The focal point that determines the bases of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.

  • Senkaimon is the dimensional gateway which Shinigami use to enter and leave SoulSociety by unlocking it. When guided by a Hell Butterfly, the Senkaimon takes the form of a waiting room entered through a sliding door. Humans can also use such a gate through the use of Reishihenkanki which convert solid matter into spirit particles.

  • Jinzen This method is the only way to carry on a proper conversation with one's Zanpakuto. One places their sword over their lap and takes a meditative pose and then forces their mind to become one with the Zanpakuto. In this form, one can call out the true form of the powers of their Zanpakuto. This form is something that Soul Society has worked out over the thousands of years since its formation. It is entirely about speaking with one's sword. This advanced form of training is far different from attaining abilities by force. In this form it is about entering a state of calm to enter the inner world of the Zanpakuto and engage them there. In this state a wielder will have to fight their Zanpakuto spirit in order to attain access to new abilities, the Zanpakuto spirit does not want to teach these moves and engage the wielder in a battle the likes of which has never taken place before. In this meditative state, one is so deeply entranced that even sustained wounds are ignored. Any form of injury sustained in the inner world while in this meditative state is reflective in the real world.

  • Kido Practitioner While many his division excell at Kido Inumuta has never been quite proficient at it which has been labeled a shame by his peers seeing as it would coincide exceptionally well with his Zanpaktou's ability.

    Hakuda Expert: Adopted Style: Ni juu ni rai-riyou: Twelve Lightning Ballads:Based off The Shi kaijidenryu o ten'yo (Diverting Four Field Currents) A style used by a former comrade.

  • Seiki-sutegane: (Wasted Era): A more powerful version of Kido #1 thrust implemented into a punch or kick. It's execution involves a swift forward strike to the enemies or targets abdomen. The initial impact causes heavy physical damage when used in unison with his Zanpaktou and will release a 'Don' like sound upon contact. After a brief delay the enemy will be sent flying up to mile away if they do not swiftly prepare for aerial recovery.

  • Sensokudo: Linear Velocity: A more powerful version of Kido #1 thrust implemented into a downward punch. The initial impact causes heavy physical damage when paired with Inumuta's Zanpaktou. The execution simply involves getting above a target striking them from above after a short delay and a 'Don' like sound upon contact the opponent spiraling into the ground moments later where the laws of velocity and gravity take over but the crash into the ground is usually instantaneous while not necessarily damaging if blocked.

  • Kakusokudo: Angular Velocity: A more powerful altered version of Kido #1 thrust. It is executed with two fingers and performed similarly to Tsukiyubi. Twelve points are struck in rapid succession as if done in a singular blow. Nothing will have appeared to have happened in the instance it's executed until the sound of a DON occurs. The attack is weak but incredibly disorienting and overwhelming when it detonates. Points are located on
    1~Left Shoulder
    2~Right Shoulder
    3~Left Inner Thigh
    4~Right Inner Thigh
    5~Center of the Torso
    6~Middle of the Spine
    7~Left Wrist
    8~Right Wrist
    9~Left Ankle
    10~Right Ankle
    11~Lower Abdomen
    This technique can only be performed on a fully unaware opponent. It can leave weaker opponents reeling.

  • Satsusokudo: Split Velocity: An altered stronger version of Kido #1 thrust. Its executed by using two fingers much like Moyashi in the same manner targeting an individuals points. This technique can be executed on much more free basis and is enhanced via Hakanai
    ~Left Mid Arm
    ~Right Mid Arm
    ~Left Mid Leg
    ~Right Mid Leg

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Jikan Hakanai
Pronunciation: G-Kahn Ha-kah-NI
What does it mean: Fleeting Hours
Zanpakuto Type: Kido Type: Speed

Zanpakuto Weapon (Sealed):
In it's sealed state Jokan Hakanai is a simple Wakizashi with a blade measuring 17 inches no hilt and a pommel of about five inches. The pommel of the blade has a hole drilled in its end where keychains are attached for decoration to alleviate the blades generic monotony.

Zanpakuto Spirit (Inner World Appearance):

Jikan Hakanai: Inner World Spirit Form
Personality: Hakanai's spirit form is that of a segmented centipede. It's voice is like that of deity loud and booming. It has a metallic echo as it speaks. Hakanai will always be found in a state of infinite clockwise or counter clockwise rotation seemingly chasing its tail. The performance is almost always mesmeric and an individual can loose track of time staring at it for prolonged periods of time. To accompany it's voice Hakanai will allude to tales of Genbu and has indifferent demeanor. When irritated the rotation stops and a segment will tend to fall off.

Zanpakuto Spirit (Outer World Appearance):

Personality Hakanai's out world form shows much more personality than it's spirit form. It's personality will be in either one of two states. Slow and seemingly separated from the world like an individual with autism or energetic, obnoxious, and pointing out trivial things like an individual with ADHD. Ranging for apathetic, indifferent, and disinterested to giddy, perverse, and troublesome.

Release Command:{かち kachi} jikan hakanai}
Translation:Tick Fleeting Hour
Pronunciation: kah-ChE
Description: Inumuta's Zanpaktou when released transforms into two tonfa that are wielded in both hands. The rights blade being longer{19in} than the lefts {13in} and both bearing a distinctive resemblance to the hands of a clock. The end of the grips also reveal what appear to be two clocks one with time flowing counter clockwise the other clockwise. Inumuta's Zanpaktou also shows to be on a form of pivot which allows it to transition into straight blades. It's very design implies it has some relevance to time. Jikan Hakanai manipulates the velocity of objects and debris in close proximity of the blades by accelerating them or the surrounding particles and releasing the built up energy into an incredibly fast and devastating force via an almost magnetic like reiatsu field. Jikan hakanai can also assist in the acceleration of the surrounding pressure and reishi around it's users fists and arms to produce devastating rapid blows. For surrounding debris say after punching the ground causing rock to rise Jikan hakanai can hold them in a temporary state of suspension, accelerate them, and then fire in them in a specific direction.
Weakness: Jikan Hakanai is limited to only increasing the velocity of things equivalent or lesser than its size i.e a mailbox would have to be cut up into metal shards before it can be launched. Jikan Hakanai also cannot send an individual or their Zanpaktou hurdling into the great abyss by getting close unless the Zanpaktou is somehow smaller and separated from their person. It can however send a severed limb to limbo or lost flesh to finland. Shikan Hakanai cannot affect an objects whose mass is connected with something else the mass must be standalone. I.e the opponent is clutching a dagger and the blades clash.Jikan Hakanai cannot send the dagger flying off into the distance because it is being gripped by something with a larger mass than itself.
Appearance: Jikan Hakanai:Shikai

  • Name:Vector Line
    Description: I




    Release Command:
    Bankai Abilities

    • Name:

    • Name:

    • Name:

    • Name:

    Appearance:A General Visual Aid

Other Information

Favorite Color: Violet
Favorite Flower: Morning Glory
Favorite Gemstones: Sapphires, Rubies
Favorite Drink: Hydrochloric Acid<Seriously<No Joke< He isn't human so he drinks this like all the time.
Favorite Foods: Dango
Favorite Show: The Bleeding
Favorite Shape: Oblongs
Favorite Feature: Dat a**
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Number: 3.14
Favorite Subject: Imperialism
Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye
Favorite Author: Samasara
Favorite Song: Whose a Bad Girl?
Favorite Musician: BareNaked Ladies
Favorite Movie: Rubber

Posting Color: Peru
Voice Actors: Chuck Huber
Theme Songs: Parco Folgore- Chichi wo moge
Other Photos:


Profile Creator: Necroplant
Photo Creator(s): ArcSystem Works
D.O.B: 12/28/93
Other Contributors:No More Heroes and its cast of truly fabulous assassins. The Persona Franchise. Zatch Bell. Mah brain. Xiaolin Showdown. Sgt Frog. Portal and Valve Software/ Ausaka-chan for approval and or constructive criticism

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