yes, yes...I'm jumping onto the bandwagon and creating my OC page XD;
hmm well, just so that it's easier for ppl whom I commission to look at the chara references... so let's get on with it~! ^^/

Gender : male
Age : 22 years old
Status/Sexual preference : swinging single/bi
Height : 178cm
Weight : 62kg
Physical Description
Pale skin. Silver hair with pale blond streaks. Lime green eyes. Not too thin nor too muscular, on the slim side. 3 earrings on left ear. Always wear a plain metal dog-tag pendant.
He can be quiet, cold, and uncaring with strangers. However, he can flirt around when there's somebody that attracts him. Warm and friendly only to those who knows him well. He prefers running away than facing problems. When caught in foul mood, expect attitude problems with this guy.
Main Storyline
(wait, is there a storyline for him?? xD who cares LOL)
His parents died when he was just a toddler of 6 years old. His father's sister took him in and thus, he spent the next 10 years of his life together with his cousin, Ashlay. Until one day, something happened to him and he was forced to leave his village. From then onwards, he became a travelling singer. Usually performs live on stage in the inn's bar, specializes in jazz songs. He smokes and thinks that the perfect companion for his cigarette is a can of cold beer xD Doesn't mind one night stand.
Extra Notes
He's actually just a rubbishy, poser guy xD He's quite lame LOL But there are times when he can be quite angsty and emo as well.
03 (he wears glasses when reading books)
*new* random oekaki
His eye colour reference
With Ashlay
Ashlay headshot reference
Her eye colour reference
The Horror of Crossdressing
Ashlay profile