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Yuki's Journal
Boring Journal - Boring Quiz *Yawn*
quiz about me Ok. I thought I'd try this and be honest.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Have you ever had a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain it.
7. Describe me in 1 word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When was the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you

User Comments: [20] [add]
Brittney Beloved TM
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 10, 2006 @ 12:05am
1. Brittney...
3. I don't remember... it's been a long time... ^-^
4. Not really... nope...
5. No...
6. Buddy-o cause you're my buddy!!! ^-^
8. He's cool... hahaha...
9. Yes... and more... ^-^
10. You... hahaha...
11. The thing you wanted most... whatever that is... hahaha...
12. Not well enough... but well...
13. Today... and in a pic on your new myspace... hahaha...
14. Not really...
15. I've had this in mine for a day now... hahaha...

commentCommented on: Wed May 10, 2006 @ 03:45pm
Pooper's Forgot 2 Take That Pic Off..... Oh Anyway.....

xX -TheBlackParade- Xx
Community Member
Ultimate Death
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 10, 2006 @ 09:12pm
1.matt(Ultimate Death)
3.at school u were the lonly kid kidding aww come on i was kidding
5.hell no
6.lol cos ur funny
9.no ur annoying though
10.msn and gaia
11.anything ummmmm id give u a moterbike i dont know y though
15.no cos u toke it off my profile but i toke it off of brittneys(britgeor2022)one

xd biggrin xd biggrin xd smile biggrin xd smile

commentCommented on: Wed May 24, 2006 @ 11:10pm
1. Hayley
2. Yep
3. I dont remember... o.O
4. No
5. No
6. blah, because im random
7. nice
8. your a cool guy n.n
9. yes
10. pop corn
11. a kick in the butt n.n
12. from gaia and msn
13. never in real life, just a minutes ago when u sent me a pm.
14. no
15. no. hahaha

Angelic Lolita
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 24, 2006 @ 11:19pm
1.Shannon or Grace
2.I hope ( jk , yes ) ^^
3.srry don't remember, I think it was in the towns but Im not shure
4.O.O say what now?!?!
5. xd I haven't got 2 know you that well
6.Anger = I can remember how 2 spell that right XD
7.weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol whee
8.new friend new friend
10.umm.... Im not shure to tell you the truth
11.I would ask you what you want and try to scrape up some money to give it to you
12.Not that well, but I do know you are a nice person when you want to be ^-^
13.Today in towns
14.umm not realy, ppl are the ones who usualy ask or tell me something
15.I don't have time I need to save up a lot on gold so I can pay back what I owe to my friend for these fox ears, I gave up half my gold to ppl who need help,I bought this hair,and I need to give some gold to my new self Kiri_Tora_Kaminari

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 12:31am
. Who are you? weirdo24-7
2. Are we friends? yes
3. When and how did we meet? on gaia
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? no
5. Would you kiss me? no
6. Give me a nickname and explain it. idk
7. Describe me in 1 word. cool
8. What was your first impression? that u were cool
9. Do you still think that way about me now? yep
10. What reminds you of me? holoween
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? gold
12. How well do you know me? a little bit
13. When was the last time you saw me? never
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you yes

Giant V_China
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Disturbed Skater
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 12:37am
1. Death1990 ( Alex ) ( Nightmare01826 )
2. Yes
3. A couple months ago because you were with Jo and i got mad at you
4. I'm not gay so NO
5. When I'm dead and my head is long in the deep depths of Lapland
6. random because you are random all the time
7. Devilish
8. To kill you ( sweatdrop sorry about that )
9. No why would I
10. Evil things like chipmunks
11. Power over hell
12. Pretty well
13. a couple days ago
14. Nope
15. Yes

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 11:50am
1. Who are you? i dont know rolleyes
2. Are we friends? no way dude
3. When and how did we meet? in hell
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? no Way eek
5. Would you kiss me? Yuck never
6. Give me a nickname and explain it. ...
7. Describe me in 1 word. Evil
8. What was your first impression? Oh! s**t... rolleyes
9. Do you still think that way about me now? hell yea
10. What reminds you of me? a Deseace
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a kick in the Assss pirate
12. How well do you know me? uh to well
13. When was the last time you saw me? in hell
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? you dont wanna know
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you No way eek

Community Member
Sylvatica Atropunicea
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 12:06pm
1. Heidi
2. yar mrgreen
3. thru my sis
4. no im not a childmolester blaugh
5. it depence if you are gonna giv me somthing then ill giv you a kiss in return
6. Desparado you are levelring op farster than i am on FLYFF wink
7. fun
8. hmm....
9. yar blaugh lol all the time mrgreen
10. atombomb
11. you dont wanna know mrgreen
12. well enough to answer these questions mrgreen
13. ill newer realy seen you but i saw you yesterday on flyff wink
14. no....
15. are you kidding noway... mrgreen

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 04:22pm
Pitfa Ur Just Gay Why Would Someone Ever Want 2 Go Out With Stefan... Maybe You Would But...
Stefan Is Just A Weird Freak So ******** You..

xX -TheBlackParade- Xx
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 04:35pm
1. Who are you?
Who do you think i am!!!
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
Shelly introduced me to you as ingie.
4. Have you ever had a crush on me?
As if!!
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain it.
well. i dont like making up nicknames.
7. Describe me in 1 word.
Normal compared to me!
8. What was your first impression?
Well i thought you were an idiot and shy.
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
Whenever i see that picture jo did of her gagging you.
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
I know everything.
13. When was the last time you saw me?
I havent
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you.

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 04:47pm
1. Who are you?-chinasmiling, a.k.a Bethany
2. Are we friends? We better be!!
3. When and how did we meet? We met somewhere somehow
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? hmmm, i dont think so
5. Would you kiss me? nope, im not desretate, although you are nice. ^_~
6. Give me a nickname and explain it. Person who is going to mental hospital with me because, you should know mister!
7. Describe me in 1 word. Normal. (i find weird people normal, ask me why if you want)
8. What was your first impression? My first impression of whom? neutral
9. Do you still think that way about me now? And again I say: I AM CONFUSED!!!!! xd stressed
10. What reminds you of me? the metal hospital and your roof.
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? I would give you peace between us both
12. How well do you know me? VERY, methinks
13. When was the last time you saw me? On msn, yesterday, or the day before, or the day before before,,, HOW AM I S'POSED TO KNOW THAT?!?!?!? xp gonk
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? i think i've told you everything
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you hmmm... probably not.

16.Anything you want to add? Yes, you need to come up with more questions on msn and avoid not to say 'bye' when you go. ninja

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 05:44pm
1. Paine
2. Yes
3. Uhm... Pass?
4. No
5. No!!
6. Dude, cuase you're like a dude!
7. DUDE!!!
8. Dude...ish
9. Duh!
10. Boys
11. I dunno
12. Not v well
13. Never!
14. Not as such... ninja
15. Nop

commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 06:01pm
1. Piggeh :0
2. Yep. ^-^
3. Dunno when, but it was in Towns.
4. Nope.
5. Yes, but I'd kiss anyone.
6. Fluffy, because you're cute and fluffy.
7. Kind.
8. Intelligent and nice.
9. Sure. ^^
10. Puppies.
11. A crown.
12. Pretty well.
13. A couple days ago.
14. Don't think so.
15. I fear for my ego.

Slob Girl
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commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 08:32pm
3.Uhhh...I think in a Fishing chatroom
4. Uhh....I...don't think so Gomen
5. Uhhh....that depends.....^_^ "
6. Uhhhhh.............................................Wow, that's a question I can't think of an answer for.
7. Interesting
8. Uhhhh.....well.....I thought I wasn't going to do this quiz, but I thought... " What the hell, why not ?."
9. Uhhhh....I don't know.
10. Uhhhh......I'm not sure
11. Ramen
12. Not that well apparently
13. In person?...or on Gaia???. ^_^" *looks up at you confusedly* School hath friend my brain.
14. Nope
15. Uhhhhh can I do that??. You wouldn't call me a stealer for stealing your thing??.
Hell I'll do that just to see what people say about me. ^_~ "

commentCommented on: Fri May 26, 2006 @ 01:41am
1. Who are you? Dakgriayna
2. Are we friends? I think so
3. When and how did we meet? Gaia
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? No
5. Would you kiss me? No
6. Give me a nickname and explain it. ...
7. Describe me in 1 word. Nice
8. What was your first impression? ...
9. Do you still think that way about me now? Yep
10. What reminds you of me? I dont know
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? I dont know
12. How well do you know me? Not that well
13. When was the last time you saw me? On Gaia mail
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you Mabye

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 28, 2006 @ 06:04pm
1. Marshmall0w a.k.a Rory James a.k.a Jade
2. yush
3. dont know when. umm through Michael nd Lindsey i think....
4. nope
5. nope
6. Lukas, it's an improvement of you original name xd
7. snazzzzzay
8. Chinese boy [lmao]
9. yup
11. weed. [lmao]
12. not very well
13. umm, on a bank holiday monday some time ago
14. nope, not really.
15. might do.

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 01, 2006 @ 09:41am
1. Who are you? Jo
2. Are we friends? yep
3. When and how did we meet? towns, shelly introduced u to me
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? yep
5. Would you kiss me? yep
6. Give me a nickname and explain it. um.......cant think of one sry ^^
7. Describe me in 1 word. Honest
8. What was your first impression? who the f**k r u?
9. Do you still think that way about me now? hay dude!
10. What reminds you of me? anything funny
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a once in a life oppertunaty to make ur own final fantasy movie ^^
12. How well do you know me? very very very very......very well^^
13. When was the last time you saw me? yesterday
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? kinda
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you? already have ^^

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 05, 2006 @ 06:18pm
1. ultimate _ sephiroth (??????)
2. yes
3. school
4. no im not gay
5. i said im not gay
6. shithead
7. cool
8. ???
9. ???
10. nothing
11. a kick in the head (dont ask why)
12. very well
13. today
14. no
15. NO!!

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