Well The science test/quiz was alright..., Math...boring..L.A...had to get up into groups and do a group project....I got to go home for last period cause it was gym class, couldn't find meh gym wear so I didn't want to wear freaking spandix or shorts, that have beed used by other people so they must be sweaty, so then in the locker room I called my mom on my cell ^^v and she came and picked me up, I'm lucky, and then my friend called...once yesterday...but I was in math class >.<...thenhe called today at lunch but I didn't feel the vibrate of the cell go on so then I heard fricken loud beep, then I stopped and heard someone talking, so I grabbed my phone looked at it ofr a seconed still hearing somone talking and right when I was about to press the button it pick up, he hung up!!!! ;-; Thats the freaking seconed time I missed his call!!!! I felt so bad I wanted to cry ;-;