The Hojo Clan
Cast from the Land of Tea

___H i s t o r y:
Coming forth from Far Eastern Tea Country, the Hojo were once a thriving clan that oversaw much of the coastal region with a kind and fair eye. Although their origins are not entirely clear, according to various chronicles the Hojo were once common only to the Far Eastern sea region. For unknown reasons, the Hojo had at one point in their history formed a severe summoning pact with the squids of the area. The ultimate result at the time appeared to be a permanent fusion between the family members and the ivory cephalopods. Thusly the reason for a number of their current known traits: beautiful pale skin, silken hair, and above all else, their odd ability to form and release various inks from their body. However, it is apparent that as time passed the effects of the fusion have lessened. The current age Hojo clan members have begun to resemble more and more their old humanoid selves, and are typically only able to generate and release ink from their mouths. It seems it is only a matter of time before their unique abilities utterly fade from the world. . .
___T r a i t s:
○ All Hojo have Suiton [ Water ] as one of their chakra elements.
○ The Hojo clan ink can only be removed with hot water.
○ The Hojo are not affected by the adhesive of their own inks.
○ All Hojo are born with a single attribute, listed below.
___A t t r i b u t e:
○ Endai Ika [ Far Reaching Squid ]: As if cracking a whip, the Hojo clan member is able to outstretch his/her arms up to 10 yards.
○ Shimizu Ika [ Clear Water Squid ]: Sacrificing the physical attributes of a squid and leaning toward a squid's vast intelligence, the Hojo clan member is able to detect anything that comes into contact with his/her ink. >((Providing An Attribute to be more appealing towards a Nin/Gen/Sensor))
○ Kōrimizu Ika [ Cold Water Squid ]: The Hojo clan member carries the blood and cold tolerance of a Giant Squid. This attribute allows the Hojo clan member to move exceptionally well in water and become undeterred by near freezing temperatures >((Providing An Attribute to be more appealing to individuals who seek high endurance))
___I n k i n g ○ M e t h o d s:
Blot Spit
The Hojo clan member will build up ink within their mouth, causing their cheeks to expand and roughly double in size. After further preparing the ink technique, they will spit out the ink in a spherical lump the size of an average human skull.
Ink fired in this method is often referred to as a [ typical shot. ]
• Requires [3] posts to learn.
Fountain Spit
The Hojo clan member concentrates a large amount of chakra and releases the ink produced skyward causing a rain of small individual ink pellets. This technique can be blended for devastating results if Twin Blend 050 has been learned for a lofty chakra cost. Expends double blend ranked chakra when blended. Each hit counts as 1 out of a percentile per pellet fired of a typical shots effectiveness. Kurunsui has the capability of covering an expanse the size of a district if used at it's full potential.
• Requires [5] posts to learn.
Cluster Spit
The Hojo clan member will build up ink within their mouth, causing their cheeks to expand and roughly double in size. After further preparing the ink technique, they will spit out a quartet of ink bulbs. Because of their quartered sized, each bulb has only one fourth (1/4) the amount of potential as a typical shot.
• Requires [10] posts to learn.
Inkwire Spit
An altered version of Ink Blend 013 Taffy Blend. The hojo clan member expels the ink into a thin wire frame form which then sticks to surrounding structures. It's function is similar to that of a spider web. It can be combined with Inkblend Hakai to become more difficult to see, and other inks for their subsequent effects for the blending cost.
• Requires [10] posts to learn.
Sticky Fingers
The Hojo clan member will build up ink within their mouth, but rather than spit it out, will allow it to leak through their body until it reaches the tips of the fingers. Using a basic surge of chakra, they will press the ink out of their pores allowing it to line their inner palms. Each slap or grab with an inked hand only has one fifth (1/5) the potential of a typical shot, however. This can be applied to other limbs for the same results.
• Requires [10] posts to learn.
Stream Spit
The Hojo clan member will build up ink within their mouth, causing their cheeks to expand and roughly double in size. After further preparing the ink technique, they will pressurize the blend before letting loose a powerful string of ink. Although linear, ink fired in this method is often far more precise, swift, and potent, possessing more potential than a typical shot. Multiplies an Inking Methods Typical Shot Ratio by 1.5, Skips Constricting Blend and Corrosive Blends Setting Periods. ( Pressurization costs [5] chakra. )
• Requires [14] posts to learn.
___I n k ○ B l e n d s:
Blinding Blend 001
Rank E
The most basic form of Hojo ink. Requiring absolutely no additional preparation, this ink is a pitch black adhesive that cannot be seen through (unless by Doujutsu or other assistance).
Grey World Blend 002
Rank E
The user produces an ink that removes the color from the coated subject resulting in it being black and white until washed off. This technique can be blended if Twin Blend 050 has been learned removing the color descriptors on the ink it's blended with.
Taffy Blend 013
Rank D
The ink will undergo minor alteration, causing it to become a deep pink color. This ink has very elastic and adhesive properties, binding those it comes in contact with.
Fleeing Blend 015
Rank C
The Hojo Clan member can pass through ink itself for the minor duration and travel through areas covered in their own ink to reappear in any subsequent area there is ink. Similar and not unlike Shunshin, this technique has a maximum usage of three times per battle. Combining the skill with the knowledge from water walking grants it's user the ability to slide,sled, or glide on their own ink.
Enfeebling Blend 018
Rank C
The ink will undergo alteration, causing it to become a navy blue color. This ink is capable of reducing the muscle strength of the afflicted by 10% for every typical shot that makes skin contact and sticks. As thus, one is able to completely exhaust their opponent with successive shots. "After accumulating 10 typical shots of this ink the opponent is no longer capable of moving and is rendered helpless until the ink is washed away with hot water."
Moth Blend 019
Rank C
The ink will undergo alteration, causing it to become a forest green color. This ink is capable of burning through cloth and leather materials, but has no effect on the skin.
Searing Blend 026
Rank C
The ink will undergo alteration, causing it to become a crimson red color. This ink horribly increases the sensitivity of the pain receptors in the skin, causing any damage that would befall the afflicted area to feel excruciatingly worse. Of course, this ink must make contact with skin.
Ceremonial Blend 032
Rank B
The ink will undergo great alteration, causing it to become a deep purple color. This ink is applied to the Hojo clan member or an ally, rather than an opponent. The ink increases the muscle endurance of the person it is applied to by 50%, allowing excelled physical maneuvering. However, because it is composed mainly of chakra, it does not last very long (4 posts). Blending with this ink is required for a Hojo to affected by their own adhesives. (Multiplies existing physical modifiers by 1.5 Strength/Agility/Speed)
Spiral Blend 041
Rank B
The ink will undergo alteration, however, rather than changing from its original black color, it will take the shape of a sharp twisted cone. When fired with a projectile spit, it will rotate in the air, acting as a drill. When used with [ Sticky Fingers, ] screw-like ink claws will form around the fingers.
Piercing Blend 044
Rank B
The ink will undergo alteration, however, rather than changing from its original black color, it will take the shape of a thin long needle. When fired with a projectile spit, it has the potential to cut through most defenses. Use of this technique is treated as one rank higher when attempting to break through a defense. When used with [ Sticky Fingers, ] sharp ink talons will form around the fingers. These talon can then be used as such, or fired off as projectiles.
Twin Blend 050
Rank A
A simple yet delicate mixing art which requires a vast amount of training to master, while preventing the loss of any potency. The Hojo clan member will cook two different ink blends within their mouth, resulting in the next ink attack to hold both properties.
( Rather than costing [80] chakra to perform, the cooked blend is the rank of the two ink blends combined. )
• Does not receive learning reductions.
Corrosive Blend 059
Rank A
The ink will undergo alteration, causing it to become a lime green color. When this ink comes into contact with skin, it spreads out to cover as much area as possible. After flattening itself, the ink will then begin to bubble and hiss, slowly eating away at the flesh of its victim. Prolonged exposure to this ink typically results in total skin loss.
( After a successful hit, it takes one [1] activation to flatten, and another [1] activation to trigger.)
Constricting Blend 066
Rank A
The ink will undergo alteration, however, rather than changing from its original black color, it will take on a "wrap and bind" characteristic. When this ink makes contact with any surface, it will begin to stretch and reel itself around the object. After entrapping its target, the ink will begin to bind and tighten, acting as if a boa constrictor; crushing bones and most anything else, to be honest.
( After a successful hit, it takes one [1] activation to wrap. )
Iron Blend 070
Rank A
The ink will undergo alteration, causing it to become a murky gray color. Unlike other blends, this ink is both moldable and durable, allowing the user to stretch it into various weaves. Because of these characteristics, the ink is most commonly spat into the hands and then spread wide to form a powerful shield. Iron Blend's forms are only limited to the individual's imagination. However, nothing is sentient.
___O r g a n i c ○ R e p a i r:
Arms of the Squid
Rank S
As the years of their fusion summoning swept by, the early Hojo began to realize that possessing arms that could stretch great distances was both a great power, and an incredible weakness. Those who became flustered in combat, or simply overpowered, were often delimbed. To a normal ninja this commonly led to death, but to a Hojo, losing his arms was as good as losing his head. In order to combat such weakness, the Hojo took inspiration from the very beasts they pacted. By making use of an incredible amount of chakra, and self-inducing excruciating pain, one could regenerate lost limbs, so long as the greater socket remains (shoulder for arms, waist for legs). It is not entirely clear if this feat can be mimicked or produced by other methods, but is is very apparent that the act is highly sought after.
• Can only be used four [4] times per battle.
• Requires one [1] undisturbed post of concentration.
• Inflicts severe pain at regeneration point.
• Cannot regenerate head.