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Full Name: Konstantine Von Ulbricht
Nickname: Blitz
True Age: 25
Age Appeared: 25
Birthdate: 07/04
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: German
Blood Type: B+
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Blue (almost purple)
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Life View: He views life as a short existence, with that in mind he makes the best out of everything and is typically happy.
Personality: Konstantine is rather harsh, he speaks his mind very often. He is a very aggressive fighter, and takes any opening he can get, however he refuses to attack anyone already injured, anyone who is not ready, nor will he attack a female unless it is solely to protect his own life. He does not take well to authority, he will listen for the most part however he is not fond of someone telling him what to do and when to do it. He is a very smart person and has trained his entire life as a soldier, with this in mind he is well balanced in both long and short range.
Quincy: Anyone that calls themselves his family.
Fighting: He enjoys fighting to such a level that he has been seen randomly leaving at night and picking fights in bars while drunk.
Drinking: Although he likes drinking he typically gets scolded for it.
Archery: He had studied archery for many years, and as a young boy mastered the art of archery and made it one of his biggest hobbies.
Art: He is very good at drawing in a black and grey format, his color needs work. He also enjoys the art of others.
Music: He is fond of music he enjoys heavy metal the most and is typically seen with headphones in.
Romance: Although he is a violent person, he is also kind at heart and has a soft spot for females.
Shinigami: He was taught the beliefs of the Quincy, and in the history of the Quincy he learned of their hatred towards the Shinigami. Although he hates them he will not go out of his way to create conflict, and he does not hate every shinigami just because they are shinigami, they have to do something to spark his hatred.
Enemies: Although he likes fighting, he does not like the people he fights for the most part.
Treason: He does not like the idea of someone betraying the Quincy, he will give the punishment of death for anyone seen committing treason.
Side: Wandenrich
Rank: Star Knight-B
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Konstantine was born to a family of Quincy, however before he was old enough to walk his parents were killed. When his parents were killed he was taken to his only relative still living, a soldier in the German army. Raised as a soldier he was trained to kill at an unbelievable young age, as he got better with the throwing knifes he decided to train in hand-to-hand combat. His focuses paid off as a kid he was able to use his small stature to overcome most of the sparring partners, with that and his speed and reflexes combined he was a prodigy. Soon he seen a man shooting a bow, he took a liking to the looks of the weapon and asked if he to could be trained to use the bow, his uncle told him it would take up a great deal of his training, and with guns around bows were nearly useless. Konstantine continued to bother his uncle until finally he had the specialist teach him to use the bow, in a few months Konstantine became very accurate and his arrows packed a pretty big punch. Soon Konstantine basically mastered the bow, a year later on his 12 birthday he was given a task with a group of soldiers they went to Japan. There he learned of his parents from a man claiming to know who he was, after a long story Konstantine left the man without a second thought and brushed his words off as a crazy man looking for attention. When Konstantine returned home he asked his uncle about his parents, he found out that the two stories were similar just his uncle was lacking a bit of detail. Konstantine continued his training till he turned 18, this is when he left on his own and returned to Japan to seek out the Quincy. After meeting a man who was a high rank among the Quincy, he began his training seeing as how he was born a Quincy but raised a soldier in the German army. He caught on extremely fast being able to use his Quincy powers in the matter of weeks like he had been using them his entire life. Konstantine excelled in a few aspects such as hand-to-hand combat ranking among the highest in the Quincy, speed and reflexes making him a great fighter, as well as archery this was his strongest aspect but it was also the strongest aspect of many Quincy. He raised in rank until he reached a point where his behavior halted his movement among the ranks. At the young age of 25 he has plenty of room to grow and time to change.
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Reiatsu Color: Purple
Reiryoku Level: Great
Known Foot Techniques:
• Air Walk: Expert Level
• Air Dash: Expert Level
• Hirenkyaku: Master Level
Known Hand-to-Hand Styles:
• Grappling: Master Level
• Mixed Martial Arts: Master Level
Known Weapon Styles:
• Quincy Archery: Master Level
• Quincy Marksmanship: Master Level
• Swordsmanship: Expert Level
Reiryoku Techniques:
• Reishi Absorption: Expert Level
Other Techniques:
• Dashing: Expert Level
• Jumping: Advanced Level
• Hand-to-hand combat
• Quincy Weaponry (bow and knife)
• Air Dash (he is still good at this but it is not his strongest aspect)
• Jumping (he rarely needs to jump so he hasn't really gotten any better in this aspect, however he is still good in this aspect)
• Dying alone
• Dying without finding his purpose in life
• Dying without leaving a mark on the world
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▬▬┤|Quincy Cross: The Bow
Cross Name: Blitz Archer
Cross Location: Wallet Chain
Cross Appearance: Blitz Archer
Weapon Type: Bow
Cross Type: Wallet Chain
▬▬┤|Quincy Cross: True Weapon
True Weapon Name: Blitz-Pfeil
True Weapon Type: Bow
True Weapon Description: Looks similar to a regular Kojaku, but it is a metallic black color and is in the form of a compound bow.
True Weapon Ability:
Blitz Schuss/ Blitz Seele Schneider - This is a very basic attack, instead of using a normal Heilig Pfeil, his are infused with lightning this increases the effective range of his arrow, upon barely missing the lightning will still effect the opponent in a minor way. If the arrow lands a direct hit whatever limb was hit will be unable to be used for one post. The normal Seele Schneider is now infused with lightning causing minor shocks and after awhile spasms.
Blitzschlag - This a more advanced version of the previous attack, this can only be used once per 3 posts. The arrow is now huge, this increases the range of effect and has no drawback in speed. This can be shot up in the air for one post, in this one post while in the air, Konstantine must land a strike with a Blitz Schuss, this will guide the arrow that was shot into the sky straight to the opponent. When used in such a manner this attack is extremely hard to avoid even with the use of an accelerated movement.
Blitz Zurückhaltung - This is an effective binding technique, upon shooting a Blitz Schuss, Konstantine can focus it to create a rope after impact this rope will wrap around the person hit by his attack and bind them. This has a constant shocking effect while there is any movement at all, in other words if you are completely still it will not shock you.
Blitzableiter - This attack is not much of an attack in itself, rather if the opponent is hit with this it will embed into their body, this causes little to no pain. The main reason for this attack is that any lightning based attack used after this has successfully landed will be drawn to the opponent, This will make dodging attacks much harder than normal.
Blitzsturm - After shooting a barrage of Blitz Schuss into the air, they will cause a lightning storm in the immediate area. This lightning will strike periodically for 5 posts, as well as his arrows raining down on the battlefield within a 30 yard radius of where the arrows were shot into the sky, this will last 5 posts as well.
Blitz-Oberfläche - This attack is shot into the ground, the surge of lightning will gather in the immediate area, upon gathering it will begin shooting from the ground into the sky, this attack lasts 3 posts.
▬▬┤|Quincy Cross: Quincy: Vollständig ( Quincy:Complete )
Vollständig Name: Heilige Blitzpfeil
Vollständig Enchantments: "Heilige Blitzpfeil, schlagen meine Feinde vom Himmel oben." (English - "Holy Lightning Arrow, strike my enemies down from the Heaven above." wink
Vollständig Description: Heilige Blitzpfeil
Vollständig Ability: All attacks in his true form are available in this form.
Blitzrüstung - This is a passive technique upon releasing his Vollständig, it covers him in lightning making it cancel the effects of lightning that hits him, it does not weaken impact, it only takes away the effect the lightning would have had on him.
Sturm Himmel - The sky will blacken, from storm clouds. As it does rain will pour on the battle field, this will cause all lightning based attacks to increase in power.
Drache des Blitzes - Upon shooting Blitz Schuss into the air a large lightning storm will form, it will move in a serpentine pattern through the sky, this will look out of the ordinary. As it nears the battlefield, it takes the form of a dragon and attempts to consume the opponent. If it makes contact the opponent will be sucked into the dragon and will be constantly shocked until the attack disperses or until he/she can escape. Dragon lasts for 5 posts.
Licht des Himmels - This is a defensive technique, upon its release a dim light will envelope the ground he stands on, if an opponent touches this lightened area a bolt of lightning will strike from the sky and attempt to hit the opponent. Light lasts for 5 posts.
Blitz Körper - Konstantine will turn into lightning for the most part, he still has a physical form, but anything that makes contact with him will receive a surge of lightning. This has a small effect in the fist few hits making the opponent not thinking to much about it, but after a few times making contact the will begin to spasm and they will be unable to control this. Lasts 5 posts, four times making contact and the body will spasm.
Blitz-Bewegung - While using Blitz Körper Konstantine can use this technique to double his speed, this can make him gain the upper hand in a loosing situation. It can also help him escape the effective range of an attack much faster and counter quickly.
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▬▬┤|Your Technique List
▬▬┤|Quincy Techniques
• Basic Blut
• Blut Vene
• Blut Arterie
• Ransōtengai
• Keen Eyes
• Lock On
▬▬┤|Ginto Techniques
• Heizen (聖噬 [ハイゼン], haizen; German for "Heating", Japanese for "Sacred Bite" wink Heizen instantly gouges and purges whatever is enclosed in the space within the four tossed gintōs. It is tremendously effective even against Menos Grandes. This technique creates a transparent, rectangular beam of energy from the silver tubes which then slices through the opponent. It is activated by the command: "Feel the wrath of battle and accept this sacred chalice - Heizen!" (大気の戦陣を杯に受けよ)
• Gritz (五架縛 [グリツ], gurittsu; Japanese for "Five Rack Ties" wink A film of Reishi emitted from a thrown Ginto surrounds the enemy. This technique forms a man-sized pentagonal Quincy cross which envelops its target. It is activated by the command: "A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed - Gritz!" (銀鞭下りて五手石床に堕つ)
• Wolke (緑杯 [ヴォルコル], vorukōru; German for "Cloud", Japanese for "Green Cup" wink Cushioning the impact of a fall with Reiryoku contained inside a Ginto. This technique uses a silver tube to create a large blast. It is activated by the command: "Tilt the goblet to the west - Wolke!" (盃よ西方に傾け)
• Sprenger (破芒陣 [シュプレンガ], shupurenga; German for "Explosion", Japanese for "Ripping Grass Formation" wink This technique uses five Seele Schneiders to create a pentagon-shaped seal which, when activated, causes a massive explosion within its borders. When an object or a person stands within the middle of the Pentagon the placement of the fifth Seele Schneider can trap them by wrapping and binding their legs to the ground with dense spirit particles. The Seele Schneiders function as accumulators, gathering the necessary amount of spirit particles to create the explosion. The liquid inside a silver tube acts as the trigger. The preparations for the technique combined with the charging time for the Seele Schneiders make its use in battle impractical unless the user has a partner that can stall to buy time, or has enough strength to create the formation while under attack
▬▬┤|Custom Techniques
• { state with none, your race information holds you limit }