Last year I forgot it, but that won't happen to me a second time. xD
And I got amazing presents already! surprised
Nya-chan gave me a Dark Halo! gonk heart
Silent Mobius2 gave me a Colonial Bonnet! gonk heart
Vaguely_Imaginary gave me a wonderful drawing, which you can see under the entry. gonk heart
Holy Slayer gave me his right hand, and the evidence for that is under V_I's drawing. And he gave me a Black GetaGRIP Top and a Black Sport Vest! gonk heart
Quote of the Day gave me a Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest! gonk heart
Sukeile gave me very cute avatar art! Check out below the text to see it! gonk heart
Pluto From Below gave me Light Tanbark Leg Warmers! gonk heart
Teru-kun gave me a Solar Headdress! gonk heart
I don't know how to thank you, lovely people, but I am uber-thankful!
This is the drawing Vaguely_Imaginary drew for me! ^o^

This is the evidence that Holy Slayer's hand is now mine:

This is the avatar art Sukeile gave me!

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