death by greed
death by greed
charater name: jean
crew: red rose
bio: she joined that crew to help her find her father who left to become a pirate when she was little.
leaving her sick mother to take care of her
her mother got sicker and once her mother died
she lived alone and she is determand to find her father.

atitude: she is a quite very kind sweet girl but she has no problem betting the bloody pulp out of anyone that gets on her bad side
weapons: two guns which she keeps hanging off her belt and a dagger which she has hidden in a thigh holster
skills: she is a very tallented pickpocket
other charater bio's will come later im just to lazy to write it
walks around a habor looking at the ships. She stops suddenly and stares blankly at a large galleon and grins in satifaction"this ones prefect and soon it will be mine"she says as a rather short portly man yells out of a resturant back door" JEAN DONT STAND THERE LIKE I MORON AND GET BACK TO BUSTING TABLES"
she yells back not looking at the man" sure ill be right there Mr. Wilson" and with that she walks rather slowly, with her hands in her pockets, towards the resturant
once she makes it back to the resterant she was handed an a rag and was pointed towards a table that needed to be washed she grabs hold of a cart and starts to pile the dishes off the table onto it and takes it to the kitchen"hi pat"she says with a smile
"oh hello Jean hows your day been?"
"its been good yours?"
"eh can't complain" pat says with a shurg"im gonna let you go for you can go about your buisness"
"okay mr wilson ,Bye pat! Im done for today"she say while walking out the door but gets pulled back
mr wilson says"not ah ah you still got an hour left missy"
"Mr wilson when was the last time you brushed your teeth?"
"nevermind my dental health get back to work"
"fine" she say bitterly as he forces a mop and bucket into her arms.
gen then puts the bucket down and dips the mop into it and starts moping the dirty floor"I DONT SEE THE POINT"she calls after mr wilson"NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO IT STILL LOOKS LIKE IT BEEN NEVER WASHED!"
"one day im gonna fire you for that mouth of yours!"mr wilson screeches back.
"stupid mr wilson stupid restraunt!"she mumbles to herself "calm down Jean calm down, remember the money's good and once you have five hundred more bucks you can buy that ship you want"she say louder"yeah the ship!" she smiles and mops faster.
A few minute later her hyperness of being so close to her dream soon dulled into back pain so she stops and sits on a table."twenty minutes of straight mopping and it doesnt even show"Jean says with a large sigh and lets herself slip into the bench next to the table"as i said before whats the point" then falls quicky asleep.
~~ about 15 minutes later ~~
"Jean wake up"says a voice
"i said JEAN WAKE UP" the voice says louder then she relizes that the voice belonged to Arica mr wilson's eldest daughter
"eh...what time is it?"she says while wiping the sleep from her eyes.
Arica looks over her shoulder at a wall clock"its about eleven thirty"
Jean yawns"oh do i still have to work or can i go home?"
"yeah you can go home after you help me with a little problem"
she sits straight up with er legs folded on the bench"okay with the problem?"
Arica sits down next to her and whispers"Your really gonna help me out with this right?"
Jean nods as Arica continues"okay im planing on going on a little 2 day vacation to the mountains with Trisha and Marsey and i know dad would not allow it and dad has always liked you like a daughter mabye you can convince him to let me go?"
"so you want me to ask him for you to go to the mountains for two days?"
Arica nods and says" yes that what im asking so can you do it for me?"
"yeah no problem ill ask him so may i go home now?"she asks
"Oh thank you Jean so much"Arica give her a tight hug"you dont know how much this means to me!"
"aw Arica i dont mind"Jean says while laughing
" oh and yes you may go home for the night theres nothing else for you to do here see you tomorrow"Arica says with a smile
"Bye bye Arica see ya" she says while getting up grabing her back pack and heads out the door
she was taking the long route home so she can take a finale look at her boat when she sees people walking off of a ship and towards her.
she continues to walk forward when a younge man stops her"Ma'am do you know where we can find some where where we could find more food and water?"
"yeah old man wilsons place he's got some food there , but he may asleep and Arisa doesnt open the door once its locked for strangers, sorry"
"oh really, well could you go and ask for us then?"
"GEEZ,why does every body want me to ask some one for some thing GARR!"sighs"eh okay sorry about that i've had a long day but ill ask for or ill could make you guys something to eat, how does that sound?"
((bleh a hole hour i took on this ))
"YEAH,HOME COOKED MEAL!" says about twenty people she didnt see before
she raises her eye brow "okay...then come on follow me people"she says with a clap of her hands"this way" walks down the boardwalk as the younge man she was talking to earlier asks
"are you sure you got enough food to feed us all?"
Jean look over "YUP! i just will have to take some food out of mom garden but there will be plenty"she says with a smile
"aye, my name Derek"he holds out his hand.
She shakes his hand and says "names jean nice to meet you well derek,oh and we're here" She says walking up a the cracked steps of an old run down house near a rocky beach."home sweet home!" kicks the door open"come on in trash the place throw a party i dont care" walks into small dusty looking kitchen and starts to pull out some pots putting some water into them and putting them on the stove
"hey need some help?"says a small woman and a tall man
"sure thanks alot can you cut up some of those vegtables and put them into the pot while ill prepare the porkchops"
"yes Ma'am okay Mark you get the carots and the corn and ill get the zucini and the greenbeans"
"okay ill get started right now Marge" says the man name Mark.
"oh and you dont have to call me ma'am you can call me Jean" jean says chopping the fat off of the porkchops.
(( yeah im done more for tomorrow! ))
(( todays part ^^ ))
twenty minutes later
"FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD....!"chant the people in jeans living room"FOOD FOOD FOOD NOW!"
"OKAY OKAY JUST SHUT UP"she says while places plates on the table
"im sorry jean they have no manners"say the small woman named marge" would you like me to set out the knives?"
"naw i got them the veggie-tables ready?"if you are wander what i just did she calls vegtables VEGGIE TABLES just for you to know
"oh yeah deary they're done ill go and put them in a serving plate"
"oh thank you some much you guys" jean calls towards the kitchen
"no problem"was the answer she got for Mark and Marge.
jean smiles this is wierd im feeding twenty other people who i dont even know when i can barly afford to feed my self" she quitely says to herself"eh ill worry about that later"
"FOOD READY COME AND GET IT!"she yells at no one in peticular
"FOOD!" was all they said as they started to devower the food in their reach
jean laughs hystericaly"I guess you guys are hungry" and with that she sats in an unoccupied chair and began to place one small porkchop and some green beans onto her plate"umm will some one pass the salt?" she says even louder to be heard
"WILL SOME ONE PASS THE SALT?" no one heard her so she gave up and went to the kitchen opened a cracked cupboard ,pulled out some salt and went back to her seat but when she got back her plate was empty.
she says and ran out on to the beach"stupid un-greatfull asses i make them food and they eat mine!!!!"she say then kicks a rock and trips and falls to her knees"fine ill just starve to death"
some body walks up and hands her a plate
she stares blankly at the fiqure and sees that it derek
"i made you a plate since riley ate yours the pig no hard felling eh?"
she snatches the plate out of his hand, chews happily and shake her head
derek smiles"okay good" hes says while laying down on the sof sand."wow they're sure alot of stars out"
jean looks up" yup, oh and what are you guys merchants ,sailors, pirates?"
"um we are pirate mate"
"i see have you ever heard of quick arm joe?"
"who?" derek ask in a confused voice
jean sighs"i see the old man wasnt as popular as he said"
"im sorry are you looking for him or just seeing how famous he was?"
"a little of both"she sneezes
"bless you" derek says as a reflects
"thanks,so how much was your ship?"
" it cost a pretty penny why are you looking to buy it?"derek says with a yawn
"to find my papi of course!" jean exclaims
" wouldnt it be cheaper just to join my crew?"
jean looks over and grins big"really?"
derek laughs"yeah sure why not i have a spot open"
(( tomorrow will be more ))
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