Okay, so i got a few kinks i need to fix before it all starts crashing down on me in...like a week when school starts.
School~ I don't know anything! Where are my classes? who are my teachers?! Well..i know my teacher's names but how is that gonna help much when i don't know how they look like >.>;;;. And then there is the whole what supplies i need for school. I have an orientation on the day before school and that won't really help much...if they give out the supply list at that time i don't think i can go buy them unless i walk home and go to ingles on the way....
Work~ Not really working but helping out. Until Wednesday! And i won't be going on Friday and Saterday cause that's when my cousin is having full days! >.>;;; don't really wanna be stuck in the restarunt with a lazy waiter and a cousin that'll just complain about being bored when i'm bored too...
Fanfiction.net~ Gotta update my only fic and upload a new fic that i have planned...but i don't see how since i still have to type it out...But it'll be awhile before i actually update anything on there until i get things to straighten out! ^-^
DeviantArt~Delete all my pics that i had on there cept the one i like XD and restart everything pic..cause i can't pixal and all digital pics have been moved or deleted to a folder i can't find >.x
Ragnarok Online~Ummm......I would say i'm taking a break from it..but i'm still a bit addicted....But i'll probably be on it like..less then 10 minutes and that's total..gotta make time to level up my SinX so she'll be able to take on some of the other higher level monsters and Chocos very soon! <3 but that'll also take some time >.<
IRL Life~ Yeah well, i'll see you guys (friends in IRL) very soon and sorry i couldn't go to the movies with you today..or this afternoon...had work and besides..i might scare you..XD
That's about it i think....oh yeah.....i lost my drivers ED handbook now i can't study for my permit test and i think i'll fail and never get my license ever!...i'm taking this well...or as well as i can take it without my mom or dad knowing!!!! *panicking*
HELP!!!!!...nvm! I'll study as much as possible from the things on the net and get my mom to drop me off to take the test whenever i feel like i know enough....
8 years later~ I must get permit!!! ((T.T i hope i don't turn out like that....))
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[b:3105c97ec9]Peggy~[/b:3105c97ec9]Where is sleep?[/color:3105c97ec9]