The sky is blue
a never ending traquil hue
that will forever remain my home everafter...
With wings strong and free as a phoenix I fly
Up through the clouds of rafters
and up and away into the heart of the sky...
I fly.
As daylight turns to a suttle gray, the stroms begin to play...
Their fists of lightning and curtain of tears stream about...
I hear what they say..
The sky is falling around me, the clouds are black and growling...
Still I fly...
Exited I am as the bolts dance around me
my heart afire!
This is my only desire!
To fly and be the spectacle that the world will gaze upon...
No matter how much rain will fall, the rays will shine from the heart of the sun
Still I fly laughing as I weave through bolts of anger and tears of spite!
When the sun does rise, I lie upon the clouds
my mind in bliss
However, while listening to the sweet sky sounds...
I hear a hiss...
Like a snake of fire, my wings are set ablaze!
Too close I have flown, byt wings igniting by the sun's gaze!
All falls below me as I fall, the sun a seemilingly glistening pearl
the birds that once flew along beside me, watch me in my time of peril
Even they in a wave of compassion cannot save me...
As I fall, the sky rises.......and I am left smoldering...
I fall to the ground like a shooting star set ablaze by the heavens..
Hands outstretched I cry in a whisper of pain
" My wings are burning, can you help me stay alive?"
The smoke and falling feathers my last sight to behold...
My body melts as if a mold
of clay set in a kiln ..but broken I have become ...shattered into many pieces within the flame.....
I fly no more.
"Gargoyle!!!" jack yelled, bringing his friend down to earth, his thoughts breaking away. " What ..." Merely speaking a statement more so than a question, the gray skined boy of stone walked ahead and took ahold of his friend's arm and poped the bon right from the socket.
"GAH! Give it back!!!" Leaping from the reapers face, which he had been trying to gnaw at like some ravenous beast, Jack ran around his friend and desprately tried to retreive his stolen limb. " Please!!!?? Don't be a meanie man!" He wailed, his arms waving around like a crazy windmil on the sprits.
"We all must strive for something Jack..even if we get burned for it..and fall to the ground with our hearts crushed like a stone in the hands of a demon. " His voice seemed far away, as he spoke, his glowing pools of light dimmed to darkness and fell to black.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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heart When your avi dreams of being a Game Grump heart

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A Jukebox Hero
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Community Member
Poor Gargoyle though. sad