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Join Derrel, Terri, and Daneil as they fight for Earth against the millionaire Christopher Paine. Enjoy Later.
Where It all began
This is the very first story I ever wrote.

Legend of the Spectra Warrior
By: Stefawn Thompson

Long Long ago there were two kingdoms on a planet could Spectra. These two kingdoms have been at war with each other for thousands of years. King Polaris is ruler of the Solaris Kingdom. King Senzet is ruler of the Lunistiasia Kingdom. There was yet another kingdom that was in the middle and did nothing but watch. This kingdom was Newtris and is ruled by King Daenitz (Day-nights). After many years of watching Daenitz was tired of the war and thought it was ridiculous and wanted to end it. He decided to use his to sons, Daiz and Nitze, to stop the war. King Daenitz’s plan backfired causing him to now be part of the war. His two sons decided that if they can make an unstoppable weapon then they could end the war. They found a man know for his sorcery, craftsmanship, and unbelievable sword making skills. The man’s name was Golif the incredible. Daiz and Nitze ask Golif if he would help stop the war between Solaris, Lunistiasia. He refused explaining that he could not interfere because of his secret. You see, Golif is from the year 3004, the future. Golif’s ship, The GSA (Golif & Spectra Association), lose control sending them to 6,000,000 B.C. and was severely damaged. Even though it was so for back it, was the only planet in the Milky Way galaxy that had Homo sapiens or humans and it was astonishing advanced. Golif was born on Earth and moved to Spectra when it was rediscovered in 2052.
As the two sons of King Daenitz were leaving Golif discovered that this war is what covered the planet with darkness and hid it for millions of years. Golif decided to give them a sword made out of futuristic materials and made with ancient, but advance, technology he called it the Sword of Day & Night. Daiz and Nitze saw that the sword was in two part with a diamond shape hole in it when together. Golif explained that the is an ancient crystal called the Crystal of Litark but Golif did not know its exact location. Golif did know it had to be in one of three places, inside of Mt. Urbani, in the Valley of Nofict, or in the Sea of Oquamalin (O kwa ma lin). Golif also explained that, by theory, if they connect the sword piece together while they are both touching a piece of the sword not only will they have an indestructible weapon but they will combine and form one.
The two son hurried of two the two cities but soon returned not knowing where any of the three places were. Golif programed it into there hover cars, if you remember they are extremely advanced, and they were off to find the Crystal of Litark. They split up to find the crystal faster. Daiz went to Mt. Urbani while Nitze went to the Valley of Nofict.
Mt. Urbani is a very dangerous place. Mt. Urbani has Dragons, bats, and mountain lions. It also is inhabited by people known as the Urbandits (ur-ban-dits). The Urbandits would either let you in for 40,000 gold coins, to us $40 Million, or steal as much stuff as they can including all of your light sources without getting caught once you are in the deepest darkest part of the mountain. Daiz had only 28,873 gold coins on him and he only other items he had was a container filed with water and the sword Golif gave him. So, oblivious to the danger he proceeded until saw a strange man. He seemed as if he had just been in a battle with an entire army, he was about 21, Daiz & Nitze age, was covered with mud and was lying on the ground. The man was breathing but barely, Daiz figured that he was thirsty so he reached for his container and tried to get the man up. The man managed to sit erect and drink the water. The man was very grateful and told Daiz that his name was Zen and that he had just came from Mt. Urbani. He explained the dangers of the Mountain and said he has seen something that may be of some use to his journey. The man told of a secret entrance to the mountain but is is difficult to get into due to Vampora the King of the Vampire Bats. He said that Vampora hates water and sunlight, with this in mind Daiz journeys around the mountain to the secret entrance.
While Daiz was trying to sneak into Mt. Urbani, Nitze was just arriving at the Valley of Nofict. The valley was 9.8 million miles long, 6 miles wide. According to Golif’s directions, Nitze would have to travel down to the bottom of the valley. A mile before the valley was a small village called Nof and on the other side of the valley a small city called Ict. Nitze was already in Nof, which was extremely hot, decide to cool off at a hotel. While there, he explored the hotel then the town. He learned of two men, The Story Teller and Mr. All. These men were known for their incredible knowledge about the town of Nof, the city of Ict and the Valley of Nofict.
Nitze went to see the men to ask if they knew where the Litark Crystal was located. Sadly neither of them knew the location but heard stories of a great monster know as Piko. This was a talking monster that had a tendency to destroy thing and was 20 feet tall. It is said that he posses a priceless jewel inside of Piko’s stomach. Nitze then asked if there was a way to destroy Piko. The men once again did not know but told that they heard a soothing song played by a flute could put him to sleep. Well Nitze did not know how to play the flute or a soothing song that could put someone to sleep. Nitze posted a offer of 57,746 gold coins, later realizing that he and his brother split the money in half, now the reward was 14,436 gold coins for anyone that could play a soothing song with a flute. Nitze also included details about the monster and that they would have to bring some money to help purchase their own equipment.
While Nitze was waiting for a reply, Daiz was halfway around Mt. Urbani. Daiz had to stop to take a break, it is 9 pm, Daiz started around the mountain at 9 am. Ten minutes later he started to hear strange sounds. These sound were far but was getting closer and closer and Daiz knew not what it was. It did not sound like a wolf of Liraptor, nor did it sound like a Bandirex or a Healix. Daiz was afraid, he rose to his feet, picked up his only weapon, the Sword of Day (one half of the Sword of Day & Night) and was ready for whatever the creature may be. Then, all of a sudden, the creature that was making the noises sprung out from the bush, Daiz raised the sword about to strike when he saw that the creature was Zen.
Zen wanted to help Daiz on his journey and also had a sword called The Sword of Lightning. He got the sword from an old man at Maku River. The old man called himself Omega Thor and has the ability to manipulate electricity. The sword causes a storm and collects the lightning and uses it to destroy its enemy. Daiz was confused, if he had this powerful sword why did he have so much trouble in the mountain. Zen explained that you cannot summon a storm in a mountain. He also told Daiz if they could get Vampora out side, they could both attack Vampora and defeat him. The only problem was that Vampora will only come out at night. It would be daylight in 2 hours, not enough time to get to the entrance and lure Vampora out before sunrise so they spent the day gathering food, weapons, and planning how to get to, and defeat, Vampora.
Meanwhile at Nof, Nitze finally found some one to play the flute, his name was Jamon Johnson. Jamon was a black man with a soft and innocent look, but deep inside he is killer. In fact, Jay, as his friends call him, was a bounty hunter for a secret organization called Black Justice. This organization was run by Black Man and had only 4 members, Jay, Kay, & Tee (or T.). Nitze did not know this, truthfully, he did not care he was just happy some was able to help him on his journey. As promised he gave Jay 14,436 gold coins and proceeded to the local mountain & valley equipment store. When they reached the Valley of Nofict, they notice that they could hear Pike cursing and yelling, there was someone else down there. It sounded like the person was in trouble so Nitze and Jay quickly put on their equipment and went to the bottom. The person was obviously able to stall the monster because it took 2 hours for Jay and Nitze to reach the floor of the valley. When they reached the bottom they noticed it was already well illuminated and seemed like it was used by people for a while before Piko arrived. Nitze knew it was not possible because the valley was made when Piko arrived. So where did the smaller footprints along the valley floor come from? Who lit all the torches as far as the eye could see? And furthermore where was Piko? These questions and more ran through the minds of Jay and Nitze while fear ran through their body as they wonder where a 20 feet tall monster could hide in a valley.
Night fall, Jay and Nitze are looking for the now silent Piko, meanwhile Daiz and Zen set off to battle Vampora. During the day they climbed the mountain and waited for night fall. Now the time has come to attack the vicious, bloodsucking, monster Vampora and his army of vampire bats. Zen had a bag of smoke bombs that he could use to lure Vampora out. He lit the entire bag and threw them into the entrance of the mountain. Smoke went everywhere causing Vampora to shoot out the mountain with an army of, what Daiz counted, over 10,350 vampire bats swarming around him. This was the first time Daiz has ever seen such a beast. It had bat wings the size of a dump truck, fangs the size of Daiz’s hand, razor sharp claws 10 feet long, he was 40 feet tall and weighed 400 ton, he had a mixture of dark red, blue, brown, and black fur, and in his eyes you could see the soul of every warrior that dared to attack him, Vampora was sure to give anyone nightmares. Vampora stopped and took a look around to see who is responsible for the attack. Zen was ready and wanted the beast to see himself being destroyed, but Daiz was frozen still. He was both paralyzed and frightened by what he saw. Vampora saw Zen and Daiz at the entrance to the mountain and remembered Zen very well. Zen raised his sword, lightning struck it, he pointed to Vampora and delivered a great amount of power paralyzing Vampora. Zen looked over and saw that Daiz was not moving. Zen yelled trying to snap him out of it but failed. He then remembered that his friend was paralyzed by the glare from the eyes of Vampora. He then noticed that the eyes of Vampora were fixed on Daiz, he was fully paralyzed. Zen aimed for Vampora’s eyes but a swarm of vampire bats attacked him, all hope of survival was lost.
Meanwhile, Jay and Nitze where still looking for the ever soundless Piko. They had many different conclusion, maybe the person that was already down here vanquished Piko, or maybe Piko is asleep. As they walked Jay realized that they were not where they wanted to be. He came to this conclusion because if all these torches were in the valley before they climbed down, why didn’t they see the light from they? Nitze realized this as well but they couldn’t get out the valley without some one climbing by hand and anchor it to something. That’s when it happened, Piko appeared out of nowhere throwing gargantuan sized boulders. He was loud and was continuously yell to Jay and Night to get out his valley. Piko missed numerous time then started towards Jay and Nitze. Nitze told Jay to start playing the flute and then... I am sorry but we are having technical difficulties. Nitze told Jay to start playing the flute and then, as he went to play it Piko through a huge boulder. Nitze and Jay quickly moved out of the way, but jay dropped the flute and it was crushed. Piko was pleased but not finished. He knew that if he let them live, they would find a way back up and find another flute. Piko was determined to kill them. He hurled boulders at them furiously. Nitze and Jay spotted a little cave and hid in it. This was a bad idea for Piko blocked the cave with a boulder after they went in, all part of Piko’s plan.
While Piko had Nitze and Jay trapped, Daiz and Zen were still fighting for there life. In a matter of fact, every one was fighting for there life! I love life, don’t you, OH! the story, sorry about that. Anyway, Daiz was still Dazed and Zen was still being attacked by a swam of vampire bats. Zen saw that in a few hours the sun would rise and in a few minute Daiz would have his brain sucked dry. “O mighty Omega Thor, give me strength!” yelled Zen. Then , all of a sudden a powerful storm appeared out of nowhere, but Vampora was still locked on to Daiz. Then a powerful bolt of lightning struck Zen causing almost all the bats to vanish. He then aimed his sword at the head of Vampora and sent almost 2109 volts of lightning straight at his head. Vampora noticed but was too slow to react therefore the bolt struck him in the eye. Vampora’s eye burst blood went everywhere Daiz was back to normal. Then as the clouds quickly cleared the sun shone through brightly. Vampora was burned by the rays of the sun as if a hundred gallons of acid was dumped on him. It was the end of Vampora and now Daiz has some help on his journey for the Crystal of Litark. Daiz and Zen enters the cave with cautiousness, they walk through the cave of twist and turns until they are tired. Zen decided this was a perfect time to try out his new invention, P. T., or Pocket Transportation. He pulls out this small cube with three buttons on it, one blue, one green, and one red. He pushes the blue button while Daiz watched in awe, a blue hover car appeared out of nowhere. So now they are riding through the cave in search of the Crystal of Litark.
Meanwhile, Nitze and Jay are still trapped in the cave and still hear Piko stomping around. After seven hours Piko riled down a bit and wasn’t heared for another four hours. Nitze and Jay tried to move the boulder but it did not move. Both of them thought they might be struck in the cave forever, then Jay saw that the cave went deeper so they decided to follow the cave until they found their way out. They walked for hours until they heared a faint humming sound, they thought it may just be a harmless swarm of Gavatars (Ja vi tars) so they continued onward. As they walked the noise got louder and louder, until it no longer sounded like Gavatars, instead it sounded like a Lugativar (Loo ga tee var), the most violent creature to ever due to radiation. In other words Lugativars are mutant Gavatars the size of a full grown earth lion. Nitze pulled out his sword ready, and Jay pulled out one of his inventions, a Plasma-Proton Comster (a combination of combo and blaster). Then they saw a light coming from around the corner, they knew Lugativars aren’t smart enough to use a flash light but they were ready anyway. Then without warning a big blue hover car came out of nowhere, turn the corner, and stopped right in front of Nitze & Jay. It was Daiz and his friend Zen, they invited Nitze & Jay in and continued one. Daiz nor Nitze found the crystal so the only place left to look is Sea of Oquamalin also known as the Sea of Internal Darkness. It got that name because the elders, which lived for over 100,009 years and still alive, spoke a language called Litarkian. In Litarkian Oquanal (O kwa nol) means internal and Maliat (Ma lee ot) means absence of light hence the name Oquamalin. They decided to continue onward until they reached the end of the cave just incase the pass the Crystal of Litark.
Now that they are all together, they are confident that together they could vanquish any enemy that comes their way. It was a three hour drive but they arrived at the town of Maliam. It was not at all what the four of them pictured it, in fact, the town was just recently destroyed. Though they did not know it yet but the person who destroyed the town was the Dark King. The Dark King is the most vile, most powerful, and most unforgiving of all villains and monsters. His plan is to turn Spectra into a big black meteor and crash it into Earth where he can start his army of monsters to take over the universe and free his son Dark Walker from Limbo. Earth is five times the size of Spectra which explains why he’d rather have Earth instead of Spectra. Jay saw some one in a house, or at least it was, he approached the man with caution when suddenly Dark King flew from the ground into the air and without hesitation he released an extremely powerful blast of energy at Jay. It was 30 seconds before the smoke cleared and when it did nothing was left but a half of a crystal, it was half of the Litark Crystal. Nitze’s was devastated that he has just lost a new friend, his brother soon felt the same way as Dark Lord swooped down with his Lord’s Sword and sliced Zen into millions of microscopic pieces. Zen was gone but, like Jay, there was the other half of the Litark Crystal. Dark Lord was unable to touch the crystal but his minions could as Daiz and Nitze ran for the two halves of the crystal a small army of what was called The Warriors of Darkness. Nitze and Daiz did not hesitate to attack as they slashed and fought their way through the army while Dark Lord assisted them by attacking with his Blast of Darkness. After a grueling ten hours of battle Dark Lord saw his worst nightmare come true right before his eyes, Nitze and Daiz had both halves of the crystal in their possession but the only problem was that they were two miles away from each other. This pleased Dark Lord as he attacked the weakest of the brothers, Nitze, with a tremendous blast known as the “Winds of Death”. These winds are as strong as F5 tornado and blows in one direction, in fact, it’s so strong it could completely destroy the Empire State Building in 15 second. You can probably guess the outcome, Nitze survives, but you probably don’t know how he did.
Wait, somethings not right, I just remembered that Dark Walker is from Earth, The Sword of Day & Night belongs to Dark Walker, and Dark Lord can’t touch the sword when combined with the crystal, so, something strange is going on. Here’s an idea, lets go back to Golif’s house and see if he knows. So, back at Golif’s, while this battle is going on he finds out that Spectra being covered in darkness is what created the supervillian Dark Walker and later our grand hero Savior. If Spectra isn’t covered in darkness then the Elders won’t move to Earth and both Dark Walker & Savior will not exist because the will not possess the Sword of Day & Night. Golif feared that the course of history could change forever, especially when he found out that the five Elders were the first human on Earth, they started the Human Race, The five Elders started the human race, Golif has killed of the human race. Although this happens the five Elder or knocked down to two when hey arrived at Earth God and Satan. Luckily they went to Earth when the war started, Golif did not know this. He also didn’t know that Dark Walker was a servant of the Devil that later became a parasite that then later was destroyed by Savior, its former host, and X, Saviors former partner.
In case you don’t remember we left our heroes fighting Dark Lord that just attacked Nitze with his “Winds of Death” attack. Daiz thought Nitze and is half of the crystal was gone, forever, but under all the smoke and dust shone a bright light. When the dust finally cleared Nitze's was glowing! Not only was Daiz and Dark Lord surprised Nitze was dumbfounded when he noticed he was alive, the crystal saved him. The crystal formed some kind of armor around him, then the crystal Daiz was holding began to do the same. Dark Lord was terrified because he knew that they have now bonded with the crystal and if they reach each other they will combine to become the ultimate warrior and combine the sword of Day & Night. Daiz & Nitze saw that Dark Lord dreaded the fact that they are one with the crystal yet the decided to try to reach each other anyway to put the sword together, if they still can. They started to run but realized that they were running twice their normal speed, Dark Lord also realized this yet tried to stop them. Despite all of Dark Lords attempts they finally reached each other, they placed the sword together “NO!” shouted Dork Lord as the sword began to glow brightly. It seemed as if everything was going in slow motion as the sword floated into the air, suddenly two bolts of lightning struck both Daiz and Nitze dragging them together with a big BANG! As the light faded a super being appeared, it had the attributes of both Daiz and Nitze's combined, it was as tall as if Nitze was standing Daiz’s shoulder, and was holding the mighty Sword of Day & Night in his hand. Dark Lord called upon his Sword of Internal Darkness in an attempt to destroy the new being that called himself Daght (Date). Daght did not show any sign of fear or any emotions period, he just stood there and waited for Dark Lord to attack. Dark Lord used his “Minion Kamikaze” which his Dark Minions pile onto their opponent until you can no longer see him and then the minions blow themselves up while attached to their opponent. THe started to pile on Daght but yet he did nothing, Dark Lord feared they have, in one day, mastered the power of the Litark Crystal, that Daiz & Nitze are the chosen ones, you knew I was going to say that didn’t you? Anyway, now Daght in completely covered in minion and now “BOOM!” they explode but, you guessed it, Daght is still alive. Dark Lord tried all of his most powerful attacks but nothing seemed to work. Then Dark Lord had an idea, he was going to do the most unthinkable, most powerful, most deadly move ever, he was going to perform the Dark Titan Bomb. The monuver will not only destroy his opponent but him as well. He had no chose he must defeat Daght so he began to chant and wave his hands, at this moment, for the first time, Daght was showing signs of fear. This made Dark Lord very pleased by the sight of fear on Daght’s face but was not going to cease his attack. Golif arrived on the seen reading his book he suddenly saw the words change, Spectra and Earth became friends, Spectra was freed from Darkness, the Litark Crystal is destroyed, but Dark Walker rises anyway. Golif had to stop Dark Lord, Dark Lord was one minute away from bestowing his incursion (Get A Dictionary!), Golif pulled some kind of remote out of his pocket pressed a blue button then, all of a sudden, his house split in half and a space ship of some sort was rising up out of the ground it flew fast toward where Golif was. Dark Lord finally released his attack then a sudden flash came, it was Golif’s Ship, it went right in between Dark Lord and Daght, but the blast was so powerful Daght was split back into Daiz & Nitze While Golif, his ship, the ruins of the town, and Dark Lord were gone. Daiz and Nitze went home, the war has ended. It seemed as if it ended right when they defeated Dark Lord, well after that Spectra lived in peace. Until the day of Dark Walker!

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