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View User's Journal

when all goes down and seems to fall, just smile and endure it ^^
{This is meh story!! Tell meh what you think ok!}


Only one person could save me, and only one person really cared about me. I wished with all of my might that this one person would show up but for some reason this person never did. That was when I began to wonder about whether or not this one person really cared about me and about whether or not this one person would keep their promise. Right before my arch enemy struck the final blow to kill me this person showed up and got in between me and him. I looked at that one person and gasped "Y-y-you showed up!!!" I yelled as he beat up my enemy. He smiled, allowing me to see those perfect white teeth, then he said in his sweet voice "I said I'd always be here for you didn't I?" I smiled and looked at him happily then he put his hand out and I happily took it. He helped me up then carried me "Don't worry," he said, "I'll get ya home safely and I'll clean you up ok." I just nodded then rested my head on his chest. He was so warm compared to me. I was freezing cold, had bruises all over now, and was bleeding somewhat. I looked at him with my glassy brown eyes "Thank you." I said before I fell asleep.
The next morning I awoke and looked around my room "Oh man...why can't reality be more like my dreams!?" I asked myself as I stretched. I shrugged my shoulders then turned on my radio and began to listen to Cradle of Filth. She sighed out then rubbed her eyes and got the crust off of them then opened up her dresser. She bobbed her head in perfect beat with the music then chose out her outfit fot the day. She put her shirt and her pants on her bed to where the backs of them were facing up then took off her shirt and shivered a little bit because the cold Alaskan winter was close and she couldn't manage to keep her home warm. She put on her bra quickly then put on her navy blue shirt and pulled her dark brown hair out of it then put it behind her ears. she took of her purple night pants and put on a black pair of pants then buttoned them up and zipped them. She then looked around for her gloves "Hmm...," she said, "where did I put thos gloves?" she continued to look for them. When she finally found them she smiled and put them on "YES!! They're not storebought but that doesn't matter...I love you navy and black gloves!" she said as she put on her bracelets. After she put on her bracelets she smiled then put on her socks. She walked around her "Penguin Bed" as she called it then went to her radio and turned it on. She made sure to make it quiet enough to where it wouldn't wake the neighbors then she smacked her head then shook her head and sighed out "Our neighbors moved...DUH!" she said as she turned up her stereo more. She sat on her bed then sighed out and gasped then snapped her fingers "Ohoh I know what I'm forgetting!!" she said as she got up and opened her blinds. She then put them up and opened her window a little bit "There...now I can see the beautiful Alaskan night sky!" she said happily as she sat on her bed again. She wasn't fully ready for school yet but she didn't care. As she said every day it only took her ten minutes to get ready. She layed on her bed and looked at the cieling then she heard somebody hummin in her room. She wasn't to sure but she thought that it was the voice of a man. She smiled then began to hum with him and,for some wierd reason, she knew the tune and the notes to it. She smiled then moved her head side to side to the tempo of the music then she was disturbed by her mothers voice "LINDSEY!!," she screamed, "COME HERE!!" Lindsey slowly got out of her bed then went down the stairs and walked to her mother "Yes mother!" she said silently expecting to be yelled at. Her mother smiled then looked at the counter "There's a burrito on the counter...would you like it?" she asked her. Lindsey smiled then nodded and took it off of the counter. She then went into the living room and turned on the television. She sighed out then turned it to channel 49 then screamed and twitched her eyes as she saw that it was Power Rangers "AAH!!!" she said before she changed it to Nickelodeon and watched Danny Phantom one of her favorite shows.
Her sister had gone downstairs and sat on the couch next to her then smiled "Hey butthead." she said as Lindsey growled then glared at her "What do you want Beavis!!?" she asked her angrily. Her sister had smiled "Nothing...just to annoy you..." she said happily as she got up then went into the kitchen and began to speak to her mother. LIndsey began to feel left out but was to lazy to get up right at the moment. She sighed out then finally got up and headed to her room "Mornin pops!" she said as she passed by her dad at the stairs. She went into her room then closed the door and listened to the music that was playing on her radio, and again she heard the humming. She thought that she was going crazy so she looked around her room then opened her door but saw nobody. She got a very confused look on her face then looked around for somebody but found no one. She sighed out then shook her head and layed on her bed then smiled. She closed her eyes and relaxed on her bed then almost fell asleep when she heard somebody say her name. She got up gasping for air then looked at the clock "s**t! I'm gonna be late!" she screamed as she got all of her things from around her room. First was her red binder, then she got her other binder for homework, and finally she got her spanish binder and her spanish book. When she got them all together she somehow managed to shove them into her tiny backpack, with much difficulty though, then she began to look for miscellanious papers around her room that she knew she would need for school. She opened up her desk and began to rummage through that but didn't find the papers. Again she looked at the clock then her heart sped up as it got closer and closer for the time she needed to go. She sighed out then shook her head "I'll just go without my things today..." she said to herself as she got on her black zip up hoody and shook her head. She went into the bathroom then opened up one of the two drawers under the counter then smirked as she found her sisters makeup. She took out the black eye liner and put it on her eyes as quickly as she could hoping that she wouldn't stab her eyes. After she'd finished that she found some white eye shadow. Instead of using it as eyeshadow she put it on her face as base then smiled as she looked gothic, but it wasn't enough for her. She put on black eye shadow under her eyes to make it to where she looked tired then she put it on her eyelids. Feeling satisfied with her appearance she put the make up back up and again went into her room.
She smiled then sighed out and looked at the clock again. She gasped then shook her head and quickly got her backpack then her purse and put her wallet in her back pocket before she quickly clipped it to her belt loop by the chair then ran out of the door after she got her shoes on "BYE GUYS!! LUV YA!!" she said to her family before she ran down her street then turned to get to her bus stop before the bus did. When she finally got there she threw her back pack on the ground then put her purse next to it and tried to catch her breath "Damn!," she said as she fished through her pocket to find a hair thing, "I didn't get to brush my hair this morning...oh well, I like it better up anyways...oh s**t! I didn't brush my teeth either!!" she sighed out then put her hair up in a low pony tail then got a piece of regular flavored mint gum and popped it in her mouth. She looked around at the outside world then shivered a little bit "Winters are cold here..." she said monotonely as the other kids started to walk to the bus stop from their houses. She sighed out and could see her breath then she smiled and did it again. She rather enjoyed seeing the white air that her breath made when it was a cold morning like this. She started to think about what she would be doing if her best friend Hayleigh were there then she sighed out again feeling upset that she could no longer see her for what seemed like forever. She grabbed her backpack and purse quickly as the flashing lights from the bus appeared around the corner.
As she got on the bus the kids all glared at her because she looked different. She just shook her head and walked on down the seemingly long aisle to the bus until she reached a seat that was empty. When she did this she sat her stuff on the seat making sure it was to the right of her then scooted all the way over to the outside of the seat so that nobody could sit next to her unless she wanted them to. She pulled her dark red c.d. player out of her backpack and pushed the play button then put the white earphones in her ears and began to listen to her music. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up then turned the music up a little bit so that it would drown out the sounds of the noisy unorganised bus. She opened her eyes and looked to her left as somebody tapped on her shoulder then she sighed out and scooted over on her seat so that the person could sit next to her because she knew that if she didn't the stupid kids on the bus would complain that she thought that she was better then them. She again bobbed her head to the beat of the music then sighed out and turned it up again as the bus got louder "This bus is to loud and it's full of insignificant people..." she thought aloud as she shook her head and looked out the window. She enjoyed looking out of the window and seeing the grass and trees as they were in the dark because it made stranger shapes and figures would appear between them. Human figures. She guessed that it was vampires but you could never be to sure with all the things out there. She closed her eyes again as they got to the last stop then looked up and saw her friend MK. She waved a little bit then returned to her original occupation of looking out the window. One of the kids on the bus looked at her wierdly then began to laugh as somebody commented on the clothes she was wearing. She growled a little bit then they began to make fun of her more. She glared at one of them and they all stopped then she again looked out of the window. It seemingly took forever for the bus driver to get to the school but when he did she turned off her c.d. player then put it in her backpack again and zipped up the pocket that she got it from. She got her backpack on her right shoulder by the right arm loop then got her black purse and held it by the two cloth rings at the top and stood up waiting for everybody that was already on the bus to get off. She sighed out then rolled her eyes as all of the other kids got off then she got off after everybody else. She waved goodbye to the bus driver then got off and walked to the front door of the school rather then going through the gym like everybody else.
She walked slowly and hummed the tune that she had heard that morning then she tilted her head to the right as she was suddenly in front of the doors to the school then she opened the glass doors then went to her right to the stair well. When she did this she sighed out again and shook her head then went up the stairs looking out of the windows that she passed by. She finally got up to the second floor then turned to her left trying not to run into anybody. She glared at a few people that looked at her wierdly then she went to her locker. When she got there she was surprised to see her friends Amber, AJ, Jayson, and Hayleigh sitting there awaiting her arrival. She opened up her locker then smiled "Hi guys..." she said happily before she got on her knees and put her backpack on the ground in front of her. She unzipped it then pulled out her red binder with much trouble. Her face scrunched up as she tried to get it out then she panted and tried again. She shook her head then asked for help as Hayleigh pulled it out "You should excercise more...get some muscles." Hayleigh said before she chuckled. Lindsey laughed sarcastically then sighed out "Haha very funny..." she said silently before taking out her homework binder. After she took them out she put her backpack in her locker on the bottom then took off her coat and hung it up in her locker on the middle hook. Amber was sitting on the ground behind all of them then when Lindsey stood up and closed her locker she stood up also. Lindsey looked at her happily then jumped up "Hello!," she said ," How are you today?" Amber shook her head then shrugged her shoulders "Oh...I'm fine I guess..." she said in a depressed voice. Lindsey looked at her sadly "What's wrong?" she asked as she sat down. Amber shrugged her shoulders again then sighed out "Nothing...I'm just bored..." she said lieing. Lindsey got up then shook her head "I highly doubt that but...if that's what you want me to believe...then I'll believe it..." she said dissapointedly as she waved goodbye to everybody else then headed to her first class.
Lindsey sighed out and went up the stairs that seemingly went on forever. Some kid tried to push her aside and she glared at him then sighed out and decided to just wait for him to go. When he finally decided to go she went through a crowd of slinkies and thought to herself "God I hate slinkies..." as she continued to go through the close together hallways. She shook her head then looked at the ground as the crowd around the doorway continued to grow bigger. She didn't know it but there was a fight going on. She rolled her eyes then pushed through the crowd of people with much difficulty and then gasped as she got to the front of the crowd. There, in the fight, was Tonya. She ran to them then pushed the jock away from her and put her fist up "LEAVE HER ALONE b*****d!!" she screamed loudly as she picked Tonya up and sighed out. The boy glared at her then smiled "I don't know what I should." he said in a cocky and slightly joking voice. She sat Tonya down then walked close to him and looked up at him "Hmm, let's see, because if you don't then I'll," she pointed to herself, "beat the s**t out of you myself!" her voice, although she was afraid, was firm and slightly truthful. He smirked then chuckled a little bit "Oh really now, a little weakling," he poked her in the chest, "is going to beat me up? You'd better think twice before you end up in the hospital!" he sounded so sure of himself and it was almost as if he knew it was the truth. She began to believe him somewhat then she shook her head and glared at him with her dark brown eyes "No, I'm not a weakling and I WON'T end up in the hospital!" she screamed as loudly as she could before she snarled a little bit. She gasped then began to look around as she suddenly began to hear the mysterious voice humming to her again then she fell to the floor as the boy punched her in the stomach. She looked up at him as he smiled triumphantly then she got back up and put her hand on her stomach "Nice try." she said angrily before she smirked. She ran over to him and put her hand in a fist then punched him in the face and kicked him in the balls then the fight was over. She laughed triumphantly as he doubled over in pain with his hands over his private area then she turned to her friend Tonya and walked over to her then helped her up "Tonya, let's get you to the nurse." she said as she helped her to walk to the nurses office.
People stared at them as if they were astonished or ecstatic to see Tonya in that condition. She glared at them then shook my head and continued to walk with Tonya at her pace to see the nurse. Tonya looked at the ground ashamed then allowed her blonde hair to get into her now bruised and bloody face. As they got down the second flight of stairs LIndsey looked at the ground too. She led them to the huge nurses office then made Tonya sit in a chair. She went up the desk then signed them in and sat in the red chair next to her. She stared around the room and saw the white walls and floors then shuddered. She saw a seperate area from the huge room then shook her head when she noticed that the other tiny room in the big place was the actual nurses office. She sighed out and went to the nurse "Hey, there's somebody that needs you out there." she said in the nurses ear. The nurse looked up from her book then nodded "Ok, send her in here." she said silently. LIndsey shook her head then walked out of the office "Some great nurse you are." she muttered as she helped Tonya up again then helped her to walk into the nurses office. She layed her down on the bed in her office then sat in a chair and waited. The nurse sat her book down then looked up at Lindsey "Nothing seems to be wrong." she said silently. LIndsey shook her head then pointed to Tonya on the brown small hospital bed that was directly behind the nurse. The nurse gasped "Ok, she needs to stay here...you need to leave." she said as she pushed Lindsey out of her office then closed the door and locked it before she closed the blinds so nobody could see in.
Lindsey sighed out then rolled her eyes again and signed out of the nurses office quickly as the three minute bell rang. She gasped then ran out of the white door then her eyes grew wide as she saw that the halls were empty. She shook her head then wrapped her coat around herself and began to slowly walk through the seemingly empty halls that made the school look like a ghost town. She gasped and her eyes grew wide as she felt somebody touch her shoulder. The thing that freaked her out was that she was certain that there was nobody there behind her and the hand was freezing cold. She slowly turned around with a frightened look on her face then her eyes grew as wide as they could as she saw a man that was unbelievably handsome. He had the most beautiful white hair that was very distracting and his eyes were golden and shiny as glass. His face was very pale and it looked almost angelic. If she didn't know any better then she would have thought that there was a halo over his face. She smiled at him warmly then suddenly, before her very eyes, he looked behind him and quickly dissapeared. She gasped as he dissapeared and she could no longer feel his hand on her shoulder then she shook her head quickly and decided that she was just halucinating. She heard the tardy bell then she ran down the hallways and up the stairs to her second hour class.

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