~section I: starting stats~
1. how much gold do you currently have? 472
2. what time is it? 7:17 pm
3. it is light/dark outside? hm...i would asume dark
4. what day of the week is it? Monday
5. what are you supposed to be doing right now? ...nothing?
~section II: daily routine~
6. what brand toothpaste do you use? I don know...the kind tha works?
7. do you use a comb or brush? Brush
8. what laundry detergent do you use? I don know or care
9. do you wash your hair daily? Yup
10. do you use conditioner? Sometimes
11. what is your favorite scent of shampoo? Ocean Breeze
12. do you use scented or unscented soap? Scented
13. 1-ply or 2-ply toilet paper? ......What?
14. do you straighten/curl your hair? Neither.
15. what did you wear today? a black tang top and blue jean pants
16. do you eat before getting dressed? No I don eat breakfast
17. do you drink coffee? Ewwwww...no
18. are you online before you are fully awake? Most of the time
19. do you use perfume/cologne? Sometime
~section III: environmental issues~
20. do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth? yus why waste limited water
21. do you turn off your computer at night? Yup saves energy
22. do you turn off lights when you leave a room? Yus
23. do you take hot or cold showers? Hot
24. have you disabled the water-saver mechanism on your showerhead or toilet? Say what?
25. have you ever seriously considered doing so? Doing what?
26. have you ever been called a tree-hugger/hippie/green? Nooo......
27. --by some person you did not know personally? noo
28. do you buy organic foods? eww
29. --exclusively? no
30. do you knowingly purchase genetically modified foods? good for you
31. do you use public transportation? (regularly) No
32. do you drive? No
33. --a truck? No
34. --a small car? NO
35. --a hybrid car? Shut up
36. --an electric car? >.>
37. do you bike? Noooooo
38. do you use flourescent bulbs? ahhhh my eyees!
39. --in how many rooms in your home? 5
40. how cold do you keep your home in the summer? cold
41. how warm do you keep it in the winter? warm
~section IV: dietary preferences~
yes or no?
42. beef? no
43. poultry? no
44. pork? no
45. fish? no
46. milk? no
47. egg? yes
48. honey? yes
49. geletin? no
50. cochineal/carmine? what
51. do you know what carmine is? no
52. do you cook your own food? yup
53. do you eat out frequently? no
54. what is your favorite restaurant? Japanese or chinese
55. what is your favorite vegetable? is rice a vegetable?
56. what is your least favorite vegetable? bruselsprots
57. overall, what is your favorite meal? Porkchops and rice
58. what is your least favorite dish? fish...anything with fish
59. pumpkin goes best in...? pie
60. what is your favorite spice? cinammin
61. what is your favorite condiment? ....?
62. do you always practice safe eating? no
63. have you ever eaten an animal you have caught/hunted/raised yourself? No...
64. --what sort of animal? >.> are we going to do this again?
65. "goes together like bread and ___." butter?
66. do you keep your kitchen clean? Yup
67. who cleans your kitchen? I do
~section V: clothing preferences~
68. do you like to wear clothing? Yus..O.o
69. shoes or sandals? shoes
70. sandals or bare feet? bare feet
71. how would you describe your personal style? i would go as far to call it a style
72. what are your favorite accessories? bracelets
73. are you a "hat person?" no
72. what did you wear today? i told you already
73. would you wear a sweater in the summertime? yup
74. would you wear a tank top in the winter? yus
75. boxers or briefs? Boxers
76. what is your favorite decade? now?
77. what is your favorite season? Winter
78. do you wear "last years" clothing? ....what do you mean?
79. how many times a year do you shop for clothes? once...maybe twice
80. do you support sweatshops with your brand choices? no...
81. what is your favorite fashion fad? Nothing?
82. what do your sunglasses look like? like sunglasses
83. do you wear a ski mask for any purpose other than skiing? no
84. have you ever worn swimming flippers in a public pool? no
85. --attempted to, and been stopped? no
86. --really wanted to, but could never go through with it? ....>.>
87. have you ever used a food item as a fashion accessory? eww thats nasty
88. --what sort of food? >.>
89. have you ever used plastic wrap/foil/wax paper to create an article of clothing? noo...>.<
90. --have you ever worn said article? grr.....>.<
~section VI: practicality & resourcefulness~
91. how many uses have you come up with for string? I don know
92. --name at least 5. No
93. do you enjoy overcomplicating simple procedures? sometimes
94. what is the strangest thing you have ever worn out of necessity (eg. needed to do laundry, nothing fit, forgot to pack clothes...) Pjs?
95. what is most essential to your survival? ......food and water?
96. what is the strangest thing you have ever had to eat out of necessity (eg. little food available...) .......I don know
97. strangest situation you have ever argued your way out of? I don know
98. the most lost you have ever been? right now
99. how is your sense of direction? bad
100. do you enjoy camping? no
101. hotdogs, marshmallows, or chestnuts? (roasting over an open fire...) none
102. have you ever taken a drink from a stream/spring/lake/river/...pond o.o;? no...ew
103. --did you get sick? ...sigh
104. have you ever eaten a wild plant? uh...yus?
105. --did you know what it was at the time? no
106. --do you know what it was now?! no
107. are you allergic to any plants? (poison ivy, poison oak...etc.) not that i know of
108. how did you discover this allergy? ...i didn't?
109. do you have any food allergies? no
110. --banana? NO
111. --peanut? >.>...
112. --other tree-nut? noooooo
113. --lactose? no
114. --gluten? nooooo
115. --other?! gr
section VII: family, pets, & origins~
116. how many pets do you have? 19
117. what types of pets? dogs, cats, birds, horses, fish
118. --how old are they? ...i don know...
119. --what are their names? >.> theres to many
120. what sort of pet do you want? (that you do not already have) none
121. do you have any siblings? unfortunetly
122. --how many? 4
123. --what ages? 17, 12, 5, 3
124. what type of home do you live in? (house, apartment, etc.) house
125. have you ever moved? yus
126. --how many times? to many
127. --where to/from? texas-wisoconsin-utah-florida
128. where were you born? Texas
129. if you could live anywhere, where would you live? In the north
130. are you a "cat person" or a "dog person?" dooooog
131. what do you do with a dead goldfish? ....flush it?
132. have you ever worn your pet's collar/tags/bell? once
133. --why? i don know...
134. have you ever eaten dog/cat/goldfish/bird/iguana/tarantula/frog food? dog food
135. --in one sitting? no
136. where is your family from? Scottland
137. are you proud of your heritage? no....perverts
138. for how many generations has your family been living in *whichever country you live in*? alot
~section VIII: timeless questions~
139. how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? close to 2000
140. does size really matter? nopes
141. have we been to the moon? uh...yes?
142. magic bullet? ********?
143. what does the toothfairy do with all those teeth? I don know....replace her own?
144. is the answer really 11? No it is 42
145. the blue pill or the red pill? .....Neither XP
146. does dr. pepper really make the world taste better? No
147. does mcdonalds really love to see you smile? pffffffft no
148. what is the meaning of life? 42 i said
149. is space really the final frontier? uh...i don know
150. do girls just wanna have fun? sometimes
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Cyane's Random Complaints and Stuffs.
Anything comes in and out of my mind. ^^
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I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia
I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia
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