As though he were being attacked, Admiral Blood's face turned a violent shade of scarlet as he straightend the hat resting upon his swollen head. " Now, see here boy! The only reason you are even apart of this council is because Lord Dex and his dear, sweet, lovely sister pressed us to allow you in...and now this is what you have to show us! Such impud-" His voice began to rise in agitation, and before he could commit an act he would readily regret, a pair of purple gloved hands clamped onto the Admiral's shoulders holding him back.
"WHO- Oh, Lord Dex, sir..." Stuttering like a fool, he fixed his beady eyes onto those of Dex and felt a wave of icy coldness embrace his entire being. Even with his eyes hidden behind his orange and red bangs hanging in his face, the cold blue eyes stared back at him all- knowingly. Opening his mouth to speak the Admiral found himself being reflected within Lord Dex's glasses, the pair of icy blue eyes stilll staring at him as if hoping to freeze his very insides.
Knowing he could not stand under such inner strength, the portly man let out a nervous laugh and touched his now prespiring face with a white hankercheif. " S-Sir, heh, please forgive me...I was wrong to speak with such an angered tongue. " Placing his hanky back into his pocket, Admiral Blood's hands shook as he tried to hold them steadily at his side.
" Do not apologize to me Admiral, it is Kanta you spoke out wrongfully towards. After you do that though, I need to know ...why do you speak so fondly of my sister?" Folding his arms across his chest, Dex looked over at Kanta and huffed seeing him trying to hold back his laughter.
"Heh, thats ol' Dex for ya! He hates it when people sound too fond of his sister...the Admiral Blood sure got himself into a pit of fire calling Lady DeeDee 'dear, sweet, and lovely'. He's always afraid someone's gonna get all lovesick for her like -" Like having a bullet shoot through his thoughts, the great big doors swung open loudly once again, this time however, the figure in the entryway was not one of innocent appearance.
Stepping through lightly, a scowl was plastered on the pale face of the figure, his black hair hanging into his even blacker eyes. Wearing all black, the visitor straightened his tie and walked among the figures of pure white.
"Well, well..look here, its the ' Man of Darkness'.."Chuckling, Kanta pointed a finger at the man in black, his thoughts reeling once again. " ..Heh well..speak of the lovesick puppy...ManDark.."
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