I think I've finally found someone who will never abandon or betray me. I am putting all my trust in this person but I did that with some other people and that turned our to be a mistake. But I can't let one mistake ruin my chances of ever having a trusting friendship with somone. I guess I will have to go against everything my brain is telling me and trust this person. I'm glad that I have at least one friend that I can trust fully and not have my heart broke. It feels nice to be like this. Is this how othewr people feel? I've never felt like I ever had a true friend but now I think I do trust this person. I never want this feeling to go away. Having someone thats alwaysthere for me is so reasuring. Maybe now that I have someone like that who I can rely on I will start getting better. I can only hope but I for right now I am happy. It's been a while that I've felt like this after all the other s**t that happened to me I just never thought I could be happt but now I see that I do have a few close friends at least. I know that there are some people that actually mean it when they tell me they love me and don't just say it out of pity. Of course there's no way to make sure of that but I trust my new friends and the one's that have stayed beside me all this time. Thank you to the one's that care about me and I love you all.

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