It's days like this when music is the only thing I have left. When I have no one to talk to and I just want to die all I can do is put on my music usually Manson and it makes things better somehow. Manson espeically because he is seen as abnormal and frightening but yet there are millions of people that veiw himas their savior me included. To tihk that anyone that unique and different can have such an impact on people and be so successful gives me hope for my future. I read his biography and the things he went through and it makes me think if he was strong enough to make it through all that then I must be right? the fact that at one point this one man thousands of miles away that I've never even met was the only thing keeping me alive is very strange to me. I don't know how he made such an imapt on my life but he did and I will never forget that. Music is so much in my life I would die without it. The same with Twiggy Ramirez knowing that people that are so different can manage to be so succesful is very enlightening to me. I lovehow Mansons music makes me feel as if Ia m part of soething bigger than myself more...powerful in a way. I guess thats why he is my hero in a way because I would have killed myself long ago without his music. But what happens when the music stops making me feel this way?