Why does everything go bad as soon as I think I'm happy? Why do I scare people off? What did I do to deserve this? I[m sry I'm so sry I don't wnna be alone I'm so alone no one cares no one wants to help me. I'm so stupid god I'm stupid. I can't take this being alone anymore I just can't. I would rather die than be ignored and abandoned again. I can't take this one more time and I'm going to crack if I loose one more person I'll kill myself nothing is worth this pain I've never felt like this before and I don't think I'll ever get over it. Please someone kill me now I don't anna live anymore. I don't wanna be alone and I am I thought I wasn't but today proved I was. No on is ever willing to try to help me when I get to emotional no on ewants to make things better no ******** cares anyore so why should I? They might try bu they just make it worse by never having time for me anymore one person inpaticular hurts me that way the most. I don't know if they mean to or not but they do and I can't take it. I ove this person and trut them more than anyone so if they're ignoring me what's there to live for?

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