alright, and you HAVE to look at that first. so here goes the story- my name is elizibeth, and i'm 17 years old. Everyone calls me ethan though, and you may say its weird that a girl has a guys name, but no one knows that i'm a girl eather. When i was 7 years old my father was killed, he was in a gaing of all males and he was killed by a female gaing. Later i found out why he was killed from the woman i've always called my mother. You see, my mother fell in love with my father, and her gaing found out. When she first entered the gaing she made a blood oath that she would never fall in love with a man, or marry one, or carry his child. She tried very hard to get out of the gaing because she didn't want her lover to get hurt, but she could not succeed. The gaing leader Ania took my mother and made her lead them to my father. After she lead her to him, she striped my mother down with only her undergarmets on and beat her with my father watching. My father couldn't do anything because she had her more faithful members of the gaing beet him up and then hold him back. Then she wen't over to my father and decapitated him with my mother watching. My mother stood their watching and then feel to the ground and wept, then Ania left and kicked my mother on her way out and called her a discusting piece of filth. In the night she found the strenth to carry on. She came and found me, i was sitting at home playing with one of my favrote dollies. I had seen her a couple times befor at our house, so i knew who she was. She look troubled, so i asked if she was ok. She said she would be fine, but that daddy was on a trip and he wouldn't be comming home for a long time, and she would look after me. I was sad at first, but then she held me, and it felt nice to have a mother for once. My father never told me who my mother was, so i had no clue who she was, so i've always called this woman mother. Her name was Nicole, and i always thought she had the most beautiful name. When i was 15 i was living very well, we had picked up our lives very well, and my mother barly ever thought about that night, but some nights she would go in her room and cry and i would know wat was wrong. I would go into my room and cry some too. My mother told me the story of what happened when i was 14, and it devistated me, but i soon got over it. A month after my birthday my mother went out, and she never came back. She was assasinated by Ania, it depressed me deeply, but that sadness slowly turned into hate and anger. I got sick of it one day, i cut my long silver hair as short as a boy's, and then wen't to my mothers closet. I'n her closet were some very baggy black pants, a baggy black shirt, and a magnificent red jacket. I put on the outfit and i looked in the mirror and i thought i looked alot like a boy, after all that was my gole. i found some black boots in my mothers closet too, and i put them on. I wen't to the very back of her closet, and their was a sliding door, i had never seen it before, and it was a very small door, i opened it up, and inside was a box. I took out the box, and opened it. In it was a beautiful sword, it had a black handel and a silver long blade. The sheeth was dark black with red jewles down the middle of it. On the blade of the sword their was japanese writing, i knew how to read japanese so i knew wat it said. The sword read: warrior of death. i took the sword and sheeth and put it on my back. Iooked deeper in the box, and their was the plans of how to get to my fathers gaing meeting places. The hate in me made me wan't to kill all of the people in my mothers gaing, they had disgraced my father and mother, and they needed to be dead. I wen't and found a man that had worked by my fathers side, and he trained me how to be the perfect warrior. I was 20 years old by the time i had mastered the skilled he had tought me. I was ready to go to the gaing. He showed me the way, and he left me with the gaing members. They had me go through many many tests and i passed them all. Then they called back the man who had taught me untill i was 20. They put me in a baddle agianst him, and he lost, but no, i didn't kill him. They then fully exepted me into the gaing, i made tons of companions, and sometimes i would forget i was a girl. I had to be very careful about wat i wore and my appearence, some of the guys teased me because i had such girlish features and such a girlish voice. My best friend their was a man named ronan, he was 3 years older than me, but he knew my father very well and had been in that gaing for his hole life, ever since he was a baby. Over time i started to fall in love with him, but i knew it would be aquard if he thought i was a boy, so i told him my secrete. I wans't really a boy, i was a girl named elizibeth. He was very very shocked, and he kinda treated me diffrent even though i told him not to. We all in the gaing wen't though many many wars with our oposing gaing, my mothers gaing. Ronan would always make sure i was ok when we fought. I kept on telling him i was gonna be ok and just because i'm a girl dosen't mean that i'll die. He would say i know, its just i care for you and i don't want anything to happen to you. I would reply, go and look out for youself, ill be fine. He would keep a little bit of distance after that. One night me and him wen't out on a walk and he took me to a beatiful place, one where their were beautiful flowers, and you could see the sunset perfect from their. He kissed me their, and i would never forget it, my first kiss. I feel deeply in love with him, and he loved me even more. It would get kind of aquard sometimes though because i was soposed to be a guy, but every time we would think about it we would laugh. I think the other guys got a little suspicious since we hung out so much, me and ronan. I turned 30 years old, and i was given the bigest quest ever to do for my gaing. I was soposed to go into Ania's sleeping quarters at night time, and kill her. Ronan came with me too the night when it was soposed to happen. I told him to stay, i loved him too much to die, but he said no, he was comming with me and thats that. It was hard, but we snuck into Ania's room. their were gards around her, and we had to kill them all, someone saw the fight and sounded an alarm. Ania woke up and fought us so hard. We finally killed her, i said this is for my father and my mother, she knew who i was too, and ten i decapitated her, just like she did to my father. Me and ronan quickly found our way out, but we were both hurt very badly. I had more strengh then him, so i took him to my room and nursed him back to health. I kissed him softly on his cheek and reassured him that everything was gonna be ok. Ania was dead, and it was all good. Several years later i turned 37, and ronan and i wen't to my old house. Thier at our house, i don't know why we did it, or what we were thinking, but ronan got me pregnant. I cried alot about it, he still stayed with me though. We didn't know what to do. I stayed in the gaing, and i was very sick for about a month, some of the men noticed me getting fatter, and jokeingly told me to stop eating so much. I wasn't doing too well, i wasn't used to being this emotional and having this much pain. The gaing leader asked me if i wanted to take a break, maby to get better. I said ok, and i was out for 8 more months, and had my child. I named her after my mother, nicole. Ronan had a cousin that he told everything, his name was hunter. Hunter had a wife also, she was katie. Ronan told hunter the hole story of me, and they said that they would be willing to take care of my child, only if myself and ronan Promised to take care of the child when i reached 45, and he reached 48. We agreed to. When i turned 40, the new gaing leader of my mothers gaing declared war amongst us. We were said to go into a major gaing war in a half a year. The gaing war came and it was terrible, it was a gian't blood bath. Tons and tons of people died, and then i was alone with the new gaing leader. She said now its time to treat you like your maggot mother. I wanted to kill her so bad, but i knew i had to save my energy for the real fight. She fought so hard, and almost won. She striped me down just like my mother, and was shocked i was a girl. She stoped to talk about how surprised she was, and lifter her sword to kill me. All I could see was her, and nothing els, and then, a sword stuck through her heart. She had a terrified look in her eyes, and then she droped her sword. She feel to the ground and came eye to eye with me. Then i saw who had killed her, it was ronan and the gaing leader was beside him. So now they both new i was a girl. The gaing leader was stunned and kind of sad and troubled that he had let me be in his gaing. He was really surprised. Later he let me and ronan leave the gaing to take care of our child. We didn't have to go through the regular gaing exit witch was usually you had to fight your way through a circle of 15 men around you. We had been in the gaing for so long, so he just made us sign an oath in our blood, and then we left. Ronan, myself, and my beautiful daughter all lived our lives untill we died of old age. I thought it was all over, but from up in heaven i watched as my daughter took some of the same steps i had taken before, she entered the gaing both ronan and i were in. And the rest of the story is hers to tell. But my story has ended, and so you finish the book of my life, elizibeth gunner. Good luck to you all. The beging of the end
lol alright so i hoped you liked that incredibly long story, i left out a ton of details though, it was pretty much like a rough rough rough rough draft of a story. Took me a good while to write to ! : P well i'll c ya l8er, lylas !
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the love of life but death of deception
I honestly have no clue why i picked the title for my journel i did, but i guess it's just 'cause i'll probobly write alot about life and love and other stuff like that. I like to write poems and storys(as told in the about me thing), so you'll probo