I married my squishy this morning heart I'm not sure what exacrtly that singifies the wedding being only on gaia but...I'm still very happy about it. I know that I love my squishy and ialways want to make him happy. just think it's weird that he is the antithisis of what I thought iwanted in a guy but he tirned out to be thebest one yet. and i think it's weird that I can be so happy with someone and trust them to the extent that I trust him with almost no hesitation after my last dating incident. I guess he's justa trustworthy person. While i may freak out and act weird and be all emo sometimes I want him to know that no matter what he makes me happy. I'm in love with my squishy kitty heart . notice taht my last entres have been so happy well it's because of him.he manages to make me smile even when I don't feel like it. Even when we have an argument he always says something that maks me smile or feel loved.I still do have abandonment fears wich leaves me a bit clingy I feel like I can trust him he has proven time and time again that he deserves me trust even when i find itso very hard to give.
I love you SQuishy more than you could ever imagine I'm very happy with being with you in anyway I fiend,a boyfriend,a husband I don't care you are my bestest friend ever and my protetctor.....I LUV YOU!!!

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