Warrior Cats Newsletter
Issue #4
You may have seen a few new things in the guild this month. If you are a Queen cat in the roleplay and you have kits, we've made a special thread in the roleplay forum where your kits will be listed and people can apply to play one of your kits. If you want to play a kit and are having a hard time coming up with your own original cat, try taking on one of these pre-made characters and develope it into the cat you want him/her to become. I have added updates on the story plot to the front page of the guild so that even people who are just looking at the guild can know what's going on and decide whether or not to join. Soon to come in the guild is a forum for crew members only so that we can discuss things and talk about the roleplay and the kind of things that need to happen in the guild.
I have made my first banning in the guild. A few people who joined in October hadn't posted in the guild since joining and didn't respond to my warning pm. Just a reminder, if you haven't posted in the guild in 2 months, even if you've posted once or twice at the beginning, I will ban you. I make my update every month when I make this newsletter and I know when everyone joined the guild and if they've posted. So please be active, and if you are going to be away on vacation or with tests or something, please post in the "going away" thread so that I don't worry about your inactivity.
Thats about it this time, I hope you all had a great Christmas and if you have the opportunity, I hope you've enjoyed the last establishment in the warrior's series. Happy New Year!

Welcoming New Members to the Guild this Month:
Rosetta Mercury
`Ice Cream Pie
Cat Picture of the Month: (posted by members)

Cat Saying of the Month:
Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.

Well, thank you for reading this and I hope you all enjoy the guild!