I LUV YOU MATT I could never picture myself with anyone else but you...I want to be with you forever...
I want everyday to be wonderful and everynght to be filled with pleasure wink
I want us tob happy together..
I want you to be happy no matter what I want you to be content with life ^^ heart
I luv you so much
yet another dream aiv don't know what to pick XD

Item List:
Ancient KatanaBlack Gloves
Black Leather BeltBlack Tie
Dark Halo
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Drop Earrings
Elven Ears
Fairy Wings
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Gold Promise Ring
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Maid Shoes
Sapphire Forehead Jewel
Shadow Spirit
Striped Stockings
That 70s White Shirt
Winter Rose
Estimated Total: 578,465 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 05 February 2007)