It's so annoying how my mom is trying to brag to the rest of my enormous family that I made it to Bronx Science...I mean, I didn't even work that hard, nor am I particularly smart. Emran's the smart one, but she always says that people are surprised when he gets good grades and when he got into Bronx Science. Besides, he's the really smart one anyway. Like when teachers say that things you learn in school will help you later...I just forget them at the end of the year. My brother basically remembers everything he learns in school. He's a complete science and math nerd. I may be good at academic things, but he's good at academics and sports too...which kinda makes me feel bad. Not because he's good at different things, but cuz my mom thinks I'm so smart, when I'm not. Plus, I'm always the favorite anyway...and even though I don't really like him, I still feel bad that I'm the favorite all the time...and that people think I'm so smart, when I'm not really.

Edit: Correction, my mom now doesn't think I'm smart gonk because she found out about my low midterm grades...though I still think she's overreacting...She's so annoying... stressed
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this is rahima so if you see any blue test just to warn you it me:
I understand how you feel completeley 'cepy my cousin is liek your brother except he's younger my mom brags anbout me too but of she doesn't liek tellign anyone i made it by 3 points she prfere telling me that stare