That's right, I received 84 kisses. blaugh Although, one of those kisses is from my other account. sweatdrop
I did meet some cool people on my quest for kisses. On the last day of the event, my goal was simple: to be the starter of the last thread. I knew the event would eventually be frozen and added to the memorable threads forum. So I tried to post the last thread. The only problem was, I didn't know the exact time the forum would be stopped. I posted my thread at midnight, thinking it would end then. It didn't. Then people started posting to it, bumping up my thread. I joined in, thinking I could keep it going until it really did end. I got into conversation with a few girls. Talking about random stuff until the event finally ended at 2 am. whee Except, the forum was still there. sad Apparently, the event is over, but you can still post messages. But by this time everyone is gone. And needless to say, it won't be the 'Last Thread'. Oh well rolleyes
I'd like to thank the girls that chatted it up with me, and kept my thread alive. xd
heart Thank you Killed.Dreams, L3nA, and Just_one_smile heart