Today was one of those funny, yet pass-by boring days. I didn't annoy the hut-nun as much as I think I should've, but I got my laughs here and there. Hehe.
For Literacy and SS, we got to go to Mr. Green's old room because it was warmer, so I suppose that was better than our regular classroom. Haha, I was hitting Jasdeep on the head the whole time with my pencil, while copying her answers too.
Shirley also had an incident with a chair in there because she was sitting in Ashley's chair (not that it really was "her" chair anyway), and Ashley told her to get up a bit rudely. So, she had a bit of a temper throughout the periods...hehe. We also got a free period in math, where I was watching Matthew practice his dance solo with Kim and Brianna. Even Ms. Croft could do it, haha.
At lunch, of course, I tormented the hut-nun with her pencilcase. Spanish and Science were boring, basically.
Afterschool, however, we did go to the park again. I don't really care if I get in trouble or not, cuz it was way too much fun! I love going on those slides! Considering that its a Friday, I'm not as glad as I should be, but oh well.

Community Member
My day was fun not including the birthday punches stressed
But good to know you have fun..poor abiel sweatdrop xd