prepare for huge helping instructions! eek
Easy ways of earning gold blaugh
These are some ways to earn some gold that is easy and fun to attain.
1. Post in the forums: Start a conversation with someone or post spam in the chatterbox. (spam=random, stupid crap) first post gets you 50 gold.
2.Comment on people profiles: you can have small conversations hear too if you like. You can comment on friends profiles or even see someone you find in the forums and comment saying how you like their profile or avi. This can also be applied for the avi arenas, a comment there counts a a profile comment. First comment gives you 40-75 gold.
3.Play the games: I would suggest the Jigsaw, it is fun and easy. First puzzle completed on easy mode gives you 40-45 gold. same for the rest of the puzzles.
4. Vote: If you vote in the avi arena on ether an avi, art, a house or even in the forums you will receive gold. first vote gives you 14 gold.
5. Walk around towns: If you go into towns and shake trees, bushes, and rocks they sometimes drop gold. 1-10 pieces a tree, and they only drop one time a tree; if you try and shake the same tree over and over again it will not drop gold for you again. not every tree drops gold. Don't forget to collect the trash flowers and bugs you come across, some people pay gold for them and if you stumble across the rare bugs (demonfly, purple fly, Rhino Beetle, Great monarch, and Golden legs) you can sell them at high prices in the market place.
Playing the market place
Take $3 and donate to gaia to get a monthly collectible/donation item (you can buy multiple items but only from the designated month. The spending limit is $200)
keep it or sell it right when you get it, they often go for 16-30K in the market place when they are brand new, then prices go down for a period of time then rise back up...way up. also evolving items and aquarium items can bring in some good gold as well
Ex: When the Kiki kitty first came out it was 3K now it is over 500K at the lowest. keep your donation item for a couple months or even a year then sell it for best results. try and pick an item you think may be in high demand, the more people want something then more they will be willing to pay for it. blaugh
Take me for example, if i wait a year or two them sell my donation items, I will be worth more then twice if not triple what I am now.
But if you follow the basic tips up above you will not have to worry about playing the market place, coming up with $3 or more a month, or have to remember basic economics. Gold flows freely and easily on this site, though you will not get the same amount from when you started. the more time you spend on the site the less gold you will receive for that day. cry
You will start at about 25 gold a post or comment, then after about 3 hours( give or take) you will dwindle down to about 1 or no gold at all per post, But this is reset the next day then you can post at the normal amount. surprised
Do not try downloading any Botting scripts! Botting scripts are systems that "help" you get free gold and items, but what it really does it have mule avi's earn gold while you are off the sight and have them earn it at double the gold, therefor you get a major profit. BUT! this is also easily traceable and you will be banned from the site if/when you are caught. All that time will have been wasted and all theses items will be taken out of the system making the item much harder to find, causing the demand to rise; witch, in turn, makes the price go up. (I find out you do this and consider yourself dead. I hate Botters evil )
Do not participate in giveaways or contests that require you to pay gold, often times the person holding said contests will collect your gold and transfer it to their mule account (extra account) and after all the gold is collected they will leave you with nothing and get away wit all that gold. sad
If you receive a PM saying you have won something, have been suspected of hacking or botting, or have been randomly chosen to test something or to become a MOD then asks you for your password be sure to report it and do not reply to it. some scammers like that install a hacking device that can track your pass word down even if you do not state what it is. as soon as you reply, it tracks everything you have typed that day and sends it back to the person who send the PM, the can look through and find where you typed in your password. gonk
I suggest you block all PM's from people who you are not friends with. Go to your account setting and use the option there.
Do not ask for donations like a beggar
So yeah I hope that helps...that is if you even bothered to read the whole thing. xd
and sorry for any bad spelling or grammar. sweatdrop
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