Well, I saw episodes 1 and 2 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Episode 1 was funny, but extremely retarded. Episode 2 was really funny, in a good way, though. Today I saw episode 1 of Chrono Crusade. That's actually a really good series. I'm watching episode 2 right now. Hehe. I like the theme song, and the ending song. Theyr'e really nice. ^_^
Well, it's good to see that I've finally found a nice anime to watch. After this, maybe I should re-watch what I've seen of Blood Plus. I can't really get into it that much on Saturdays, cuz 1)Emran TALKS TOO MUCH, and 2)he keeps the volume really low...probably cuz he thinks my dad will hear.
Hmm...as for today...at school, nothing much really happened, except for a small incident with Shirley...she was...DARE I SAY IT...DANCING! And, according to David, he got it on video! So, Shirley, gets the honor of being in her own youtube video! This, I recommend we all see. (David doesn't really have it on video, though, cuz i saw him when come down the hall when shirley was dancing. he only caught a small glimpse of her dance, so he couldn't have taken out his phone in all that time...) But oh well, it was still really funny-ful! ^_^
Besides Shirley's little public show ninja ...the usual went about. We all annoyed the hut-nun...^_^ And after school we were just hanging out again...when I came to find that Zaire and Tsachai are quite violent. Of course, Zaire also found that I was violent, seeing as I was throwing chunks of ice at her, and kicking the snow really hard for no reason. ninja Yes, I do have...issues. ninja
I also realized that Jem is a girl...from the sound of 24, I still say her voice could pass for a guy's. ninja
Oh yeah, also, at the end of the day, me and Shirley started saying "whee!" like little mice! It was fun! Hehe....*says in squeaky voice-wheeeeeeee!*
Oh well. Doo dee doo dee dum. Well, back to my anime! ^_^

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