Oh joy. I'm such a happy camper! I get to do my oh so very fun current events homeowrk! And I get to organize my science binder! Won't that be so much fun!
Now that up there...is what I call an example of...PURE SARCASM.
Really, I have to do this boring current events stuff. I already organized my science binder, but I don't remember the sections, and I'm missing like 13 homeworks! gonk And, I don't even feel like typing up this whole current events thingy. I mean, I admit, I usually am a lazy bum, but this is just killing me here!!! gonk gonk gonk
Maybe, if I finish early, I can watch some more Chrono Crusade...I just saw epiosde 18, along with 6 episodes before that last night. Then, I saw Bleach, and Blood Plus. I luv the theme songs for Blood Plus and Chrono Crusade. Especially Sayonara Solitaire....I luv that song! ^_^
I bet I'm gonna be dead in high school. Cuz WORK and ME just don't go together....and I can barely inagine collgege... rofl I AM SO DOOMED IN THE FUTURE.
Oh well, back to my current events...sadly...
Well, I'm kinda bored right now, so I've just been reading about a bunch of animes I wanna see, now. There's so many good ones to see! ^_^ I just read a summary of AIR, which sounds great. There are only 12 episodes with 2 extras, but the movie sounds great too. I also found that Rave Master has 51 episodes, so since I've already seen half of it, that's not so much. Then, I read about Suzuka, which also seems very good. SO, I'm not sure what to watch after Chrono Crusade! I could go finish Rave Master...or I could see AIR...or I could watch Suzuka...or even Tsubassa Chronicles! ^_^ I wanna see Alice 19th. It soun ds really good, but no one has uploaded it on youtube, sadly. Ngel Sanctuary sounds good too, but it's very complicated...and to think they cover it all in only 3 episodes.
I just saw episode 21 of Chrono Crusade. It was so awesome. The whole show is really coming to a climax now...It's so awesome...
Well, now it's finally time to go to bed. I can't believe it si this good. I can't wait to see the rest of it tomorrow!!! Anime...haha...love it! heart I can't believe it's this good. Joshua and Fiore forgot...not just their siblings, but now, everything. I kind of hate Joshua for what he's done, and now he just forgets everything...Fiore seemed so nice, but...still....how could they just forget. And of course, I hate Aion, for being the cause for everything that's happened. And now, he's finally shattered Rosette! She's gone evil....I never thought that it could happen to her...but still, Chrono's on the way!

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