OMG! I finished Chrono Crusade, finally! The ending was so sad and sweet! Chrono and Rosette died together! gaia_right heart I loved it! The whole series was great! I feel sorry for Remington...I don't think they ever even said what he considered himself a sinner for...but oh well, great series. Too bad, about Joshua though. Rosette dies before she could meet him. Usually, I wouldn't like an anime where the main character dies, but this was such a good anime! Well, onward to AIR...^_^ Or what was that other thing Rahima told me to watch...I forgot, something in French...anime, anime, anime...LUV IT!
Anyway, right now, I'm just listening to music, since I don't feel like starting a new anime today. There's so many great options too. Black Cat seemed kind of good, except I think there were only like 3 OVA episodes...oh well. Whatever I like, I guess.
Doo dee doo dee dum. I'm, listening to Linkin Park now, of course. ^_^
Oh, Kimberly and Asher's surprise birthday party is on Firday. Whee!!! I don't see why Zamaarriaha and Jasdeep didn't want to invite Abiel. I mean, if we didn't invite her, then on Friday, she'd be sitting all alone at lunch, and that wouldn't be nice or fair. Well, at least she's coming now.
The sacience fair's also tomorrow. I don't expect to win, but I just wanna see other people's boards. Hehe.
Oh yeah, we also finally went outside today!

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