Doo dee doo dee dum. Kim's party was today. It was short, but fun-dul while it lasted. ^_^ Hehe, I got 2 slices of pizza! I felt sorry for the hut-nun though. EWven though, she talked to Hamed a little, for most of the party, she was walking around the back of the room, just eating by herself. I mean, I guess you could say I talked to her, but all I really did was annoy her, and talk about ow abnormally long her tongue was. According to her, she had a good time at the party, but then, for some reason, she wasn't talking much after it. Just nodding, kinda like I do with some people.
Oh well, that was some good pizza! I also had some chocolate cake, some Cheetos, soda fo course, and a I managed to cram a handful of snickers into my pocket too . ^_^ After the party, for the first time in history....Ms. Baldini was...ABSENT! The substitute was some lady who was trying to make us do work...I didn't really do it though. I was just annoying Jasdeep and Kim the whole time, and playing around and stuff.
In science, we didn't really do work. We were just reading stuff. Jasdeep had her softball draft thingy today, so afer school, I got to leave her. Yay. ^_^ And so, here I am. I'm rewatching Ouran High, along with starting to watch Tsubasa Chronicle. Anime...gotta love it. ^_^
Hurrah for the break!!! For once, I'm actually looking forward to doing my homework. Writing the long short story sounds fun. However, doing that social studies essay doesn't sound so fun...nor does the math project...oh well. At least, it's the break! Finally. ^_^

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