Oh joy for Friday. I have to wake up...EARLY...to do my homework, cuz my EVIL brother won't let me do it later! So, I'm stuck here, still doing my math project... scream
Oh yeah, yesterday I finally did namaz after like forever. I didn't wake up on time this morning, though. I think it was because of this thingy I saw on the history channel about the truth about Mary Magdalene. And here I thought she was made up in Chrono Crusade, which kind of makes me miss watching Chrono Crusade...
Had I been online last night, I think I would have had something to write in my other journal, but I don't remember what right now...
*BACK TO MY MATH PROJECT* ... ...it would be really ironic if Emran woke up right now, and just came and kicked me off the computer as usual...this is why I really need a laptop!!!
Mr. Green finally came online yesterday. He's on right now too. From yesterday:
IreneKhan7: hi mr green
MGreen26: Hi Irene!
IreneKhan7: wheee, whats up?
MGreen26: Whee - I'm going to the mall with my family
IreneKhan7: im stuck here doing my math project:'(
MGreen26: Don't do it! It doesn't matter!
MGreen26: who is your teacher?
IreneKhan7: really???
IreneKhan7: ms croft
MGreen26: Don't trust her!
IreneKhan7: lol, why?
MGreen26: She's a phony! She also is no good at math!
IreneKhan7: and how would u know this...?
MGreen26: I KNOW ALL
IreneKhan7: makes sense smile
IreneKhan7: if i fail...i get to blame u though
MGreen26: Croft loves when you throw things at her....do it!
IreneKhan7: really??
MGreen26: YES
IreneKhan7: she wont say anything if i dont do my project??
IreneKhan7: evil brothers here
IreneKhan7: bye
MGreen26: bye
MGreen26: bye
Okay, now I must retuen to my math project...

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