I hate how.. lonely I am.
I just wish I had someone who I could hug, and hold. Someone who would hold me. Someone I love and who loves me back
Even my mother would work. But I just can't be around her, much less hug/love her like I used to. Alix is great, don't get me wrong. I love her much more then I have in the past. But she's just not good enough. It kills me to say that about someone I like ever so much. But your sister just can't cut it anymore.
I feel ashamed of how happy I was when her bf hugged me. :/ Well, yes, I di hug him, but he hugged me back. And in basketball her put me into a bear hug several times. In Ikea I almost took hold of his hand. :/ I can't stand myself. If he wasn't my sister's bf I would probably be So in love with him!
Me myself, I think of myself as fat and not worthy of someone's love. BUt oh, what I would give for a guy to say he loves me, and mean it. :'[. (BTW, wtf's with this song? :/). GAH I almost attacked brett when I saw him. God I need someone to talk me out of this.
DAMNYOU CONRAD! Gah why, how, can my sister's boyfriend be so nice and sweet? This sucks
Don't get me wrong, I don;t like him in that way. I mean I would, but jeeze, my sister's bf is just cruel.
Ok. I know that the perfect someone will come along. But damn, I would settle for just a casual guy friend to hang out with.
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