-sigh- Animania was awesome.
Hokkai. Until Georgia uploads pics I'll have to give descriptions of our outfits.
Erica was re-named Checker, due to her white and black and red all over appearance.
Georgia was the octopus with long black hair. &3
Coral was lolita-chan, courtesy of her never ending supply of black clothes.
I was. Wait. I can't remember my nickname. But it was witty. (Thanks Erica! I'm Arcadey. "It's the next little arcadey on the left. Arcadey. That would be an awesome name." wink
Oh wells. To put it simply. Pink and white stripes with cat ears and bells. Afterwards I realised why some people were looking at me wierdly. Aside from my not having a recognisable character, cat ears and bells is a characteristic of stereotypical hentai characters.
Ohhhh Dear.
However. The skits were awesome. The outfits cool. I like random ninjas. The merchandise expensive and oh god a mosquito has bitten me on the ear. Oh god.
I squealed a few times due to Ayu's music being used as a background. Haha. Ayu is my greatest love, and if she ordered me to kill my closest family and friends in a brutal manner, I'd kill the neighbourhood as well. &3 Yay for over-achieving!
Oh dear, I seem to have strayed somewhat.
Erica shall make a journal entry, as hers are always more readable, due to her having a larger attention span.
In other news, I'm number 4 in my business class, thus encouraging me to pursue the path of a corporate mogul with possible (yet always untraceable) yakuza connections.
Oh and alsoes, when we were walking through Chinatown I saw my Yakuza boy. <3
Tall..ish. Smoking. Drinking. Wearing a dishevelled school uniform. Awesome hair. And possibility of wealthy connections. =O

Community Member
I feel asleep when i got home and well... didn't wake up again until now >> (10.45.)
and now im going back to sleep again biggrin
they will be up tomorrow morning
"Are you from Inuyasha?"
>> Baka.