Okay, let's see now. Today wasn't too bad. Okay, not okay, same difference (see, i did learn something from Ms. Croft). Okay, today we didn't do much work...In Literacy, we just did more Hamlet... In Literacy, we sort of did nothing...And in social studies we worked on the exit project a little, well just the organizing jobs part, which was pretty fun, considering that Kim had already done that, so we just fooled arounf and stuff. Haha, I tripped over 2 chairs...Shirley was "warming my book talk club book" eek ...yesa with her...bottom. I actually finished the book. It was pretty good. The ending wasn't too good, though. It was kind of dull, not as in, it wasn't exciting, but it just didn't quite seem complete to me. neutral Oh well.
In Math, we pretty much had free time. Actually, I accidentally broke Shirley's pencil. See what happened was, she stabbed me, and marked my sweater, and since my eraser had fallen off earlier (haha it actually broke of in social studies cuz of everything going on in our group lol ), so I tried to use hers, and then when I pulled it it broke, and I gave her a splinter. *evil grin* Haha, she got her hand scratched or something...oh yeah, sorry about that too, Shirley! (secretly laughs)
At lunch we went outside, and we were just like playing tag and stuff like that as usual. Haha, it was fun. I have no idea why Chantale thinks I'm evil all of a sudden. I was only gonna kill her for taking Jimmy home, that's all. sweatdrop xd
Half the class was gone for Spanish and Science. In Spanish, we just learned about the proficiency exam. It seems a lot harder than Ms. Baldini says. I mean, the listening and answering questions is simple enough, but I rarely speak Spanish, so I'm gonna fail the oral part.
In science, since most of the class was doing the Mock Trial thing, the remaining people were supposed to clean up the classroom for Mr. Bednar's idea of "Spring Clean-up". Haha, I didn't do anything though. I just finished my book. xd
Okay, haha Jasdeep had softball today, so haha, I got to go home early! Haha, ironically, the day Jasdeep has softball, Tsachai and Alexis came at the exact same time as me. rofl lol
Ah well. So here I am. Same old, same old. 3nodding

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