These are the "OH ********" Moments in my Gaiaonline career... most of these moments are really bad... and I record them because they are reminders that bad things do happen and I need to remember that. Kitsune Mask /1,655,000gold on this one, I was there first... and I only had 90k... I even waited about 3 seconds before it was bought too... This is the one that got away because of bad precaution... (I bought Demon Horns that day boy do I regret it now...)Kitsune Mask /1,400,000It happened again... and it was unexistant... again!!! Pics to prove it! [X]Miss-priced Winged Anklets (140k/1.2m???)Smiles, (a bot) gets yet another huge misprice before I can.Aquarium Cathulu When Cathulu came out of Poseidon's Legacy, another item came with it, Aquarium Cathulu, the bane of many a vendor. It look like the Cathulu but it is no where near the same price. Cathulu is currently a 15-25mil item, and A. Cathulu is 150k. You can imagine how sad I was when I bought it for 1mil from Cahps (who was nice enough to return a portion of the money)1.7mil OMGAw man this sucks, you know why? Because Only like last week I decided to start sleeping earlier to wake up early enough to vend... guess what? This happened while I was sleeping... at a time I would have been awake at.90Mil Orinkage I assumed 100% wrong. I thought all sorts of things, "conspiracies" is what Cheerie told me they were lmao. But in the end the truth was in the forums of the TVG. Even the best make mistakes, and it's a lesson well-learned.[Thread]