[-Member Profile]
Username: Agent1537
Age: 19
Rank: Lt Colonel
Branch: Airforce
[-Character's Profile]
Character Name: Frankie Leon
Character Age: 21
Character Sex: Male
Character Bio: Frankie was raised in the Leone family mafia, he was raised to be a killer, and he was for a long time. He killed for money and he killed for fun. He had always done it in the name of defense of something. When he killed for money he was defending the Leone family and the injustices, when he killed for fun he was defending boredom. After making a name for himself in the Leone family, Frankie was recruited by a hitman organization only known as the International Contract Agency. They stripped him of his name and gave him a new name, Agent 1537. After killing in the name of the organization for some time, he now wishes to return to do some good in the world, and he wants to do it by what he does best, by defending against the injustices of the world and protecting the weak.
Role Play Sample: Frankie made his way to the bathroom just inside the barracks. The long hall that he had to walk down from his room made it even more difficult to hold back the urge to wet himself. Finally reaching the end, he closed the door tight. He was relieved that he made it. Suddenly not three seconds after closing the door he could hear all of the alarms in the base sounding. Something was approaching the base, an unknown aircraft. Cussing under his breath Frankie turned back around and jiggled the handle of the bathroom door. It wouldn't open
"Hey what the hell" Frankie yelled "Someone let me out of here" he continued to jiggle the handle of the small stall, but everyone was so busy outside with the alarms that no one could hear his small cries for help.
2 Hours later: With no hope of escaping the Bathroom anytime soon Frankie sits down on the toilet lid and places his head between legs. He was a shame to the military force, trapped inside the bathroom. Of all places why the Bathroom? Frankie wondered to himself, and why right before an alarm was about to go off? As he pondered these thoughts he got the bright idea to sit on the back of the toilet seat and to push use his arms to give him some leverage, in order to kick the door open. Finally the door was open, running upstairs Frankie saw that the alarm he had missed was simply a general trying to play a practical joke on him. Everyone in the battalion was standing there and as he ran up the stairs they proceeded to laugh and mock him
"Funny guys" Frankie said with a heavy sigh "Real funny."
Other Information: Previously I have RP'd with Friar Thomas if you need someone to give you a recommendation.