to get 100k u have to follow these rules and take the quiz
1) no cheating
2) all answers must be in seperate post
3) pm me or comment me if u finished the quiz
4) uhh...
thats all i got!!! =]
heres the quiz
1) Haii, how are you today?
2) Are you a boy or a girl?
3) What's your name/nickname?
4) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
5) How old are you?
6) What time is it where you live?
7) What country do you live in?
8 ) What's your favorite color?
9) Why?
10) What's your favorite food?
11) What's your least favorite food?
12) What is one thing you couldn't live without?
13) Do you have any stuffed animals?
14) What grade are you in?
15) What grade do you wish you were in?
16) Do you have siblings?
17) Do you get on the computer often?
18 ) Do you like music?
19) Do you watch a lot of television?
20) Do you like anime?
21) If so, which one(s)? If not, bump here.
22) Post your favorite anime 10 times, or your ten favorite animes, in separate posts. (If not, bump again.)
23) What's your favorite anime pairing? If none, bump.
~ Gaia ~
24) Is your Gaian a girl or a boy?
25) How much gold do you want to earn from this quiz?
26) How much gold do you already have?
27) Are you saving up some gold for anything specific?
28 ) If so, what? If not, bump.
29) Is this quiz helping out so far?
30) Haha, how about now?
31) How do you usually earn gold?
32) Do you have any dream avatars?
33) Do you think you'll ever get that dream avatar?
34) How long have you been using Gaia?
35) Do you get on Gaia much?
36) Do you actually enjoy Gaia, or do you only get on when you've got nothing to do?
37) How many friends do you have on Gaia?
38 ) Do you remember how you found Gaia?
39) Do you ever visit the forums?
40) Do you visit the forums OFTEN?
41) Have you ever done a quiz on Gaia before?
42) Have you ever made a quiz on Gaia before?
43) Are you in any guilds?
44) If so, do you use the guild(s)? If not, bump.
45) Do you have a shop?
46) What's your favorite game on Gaia?
47) Do you ever go to Gaia Towns?
48 ) How much gold do you have now?
~ Have you ever...~
49) Drank?
50) Sprayed soda, water, milk, etc.... out of your nose?
51) Drank rotten milk?
52) Smoked?
53) Skipped a day of school without anyone knowing?
54) Made yourself puke so you wouldn't have to go to school?
55) Went to school/ work drunk?
56) Been in detention?
57) Splurged on an item you just HAD to have?
58 ) Went into a really expensive store and be blown away by the prices?
59) Wanted something you couldn't have?
60) Played poker with money?
61) Walked in the rain without an umbrella?
62) Danced in the rain?
63) Been on stage?
64) Been embarrassed by someone in your family?
65) Won a pool game?
66) Been on a plane?
67) Been on a ship?
68 ) Been on a train?
69) Sung in the shower?
70) Had a water gun war?
71) Threatened someone with a water gun?
~ Random ~
72) Are you bored yet?
73) How much gold do you have now?
74) What's your mood?
75) Do you think you'll finish the quiz?
~ This or That ~
76) Chocolate or Vanilla?
77) Soda or milk?
78 ) Code Red or Limewire?
79) Coke or pepsi?
80) Soda or juice?
81) Candy or fruit?
82) Watermelon or strawberry?
83) Breakfast or dinner?
84) Food or beverage?
85) Cake or pie?
86) Rural or Urban?
87) Eat or sleep?
88 ) Yes or no?
89) PC games or video games?
90) Computer or TV?
91) Holiday or "snow-day"?
92) Summer or Winter?
93) Spring or Fall?
94) iPod or MP3 player?
95) Gaia gold or Gaia items?
96) DVD or VHS?
97) Theater or home theater?
98 ) Cats or dogs?
99) Inside or outside?
100) Morning or night?
101) Black or white?
102) Love or money?
103) Clothes shopping or electronic shopping?
104) French or Italian?
105) English or American?
106) German or Oriental?
107) Quizzes or polls?
108 ) Items or money?
109) Boys or girls?
110) Friends or family?
111) Wrestling or boxing?
112) Basketball or football?
113) Softball or baseball?
114) Tennis or swimming?
115) Fat or thin?
116) Short or tall?
117) Horror or fantasy?
118 ) Comedy or drama?
119) Rich or Poor?
120) Rain or Snow?
121) Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
122) Star Wars or Star Trek?
123) Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts?
124) Sunny or Foggy?
125) Monopoly or Life?
126) Movies or shows?
127) TV or reading?
~ Do you like...~
128 ) Milk?
129) Soda?
130) Hot Topic?
131) Anchor Blue?
132) Pepsi?
133) School?
134) Money?
135) Clothes?
136) Life?
137) Family?
138 ) Friends?
139) Marshmallows?
140) Homework?
141) Cookies?
142) Cake frosting?
143 Clowns?
144) Oranges?
145) Lemons?
146) Strawberries?
147) Cantaloupe?
148 )
149) Reading?
150) Swimming?
151) Television?
152) Cats?
153) Snakes?
154) Bugs?
155) Frogs?
156) Bedtimes?
157) Meat?
158 ) Vegetables?
159) Animals?
~ Do you...~
160) Wear glasses?
161) Wear contacts?
161) Have braces?
162) Smoke?
163) Drink?
164) Have piercings?
165) Want piercings?
166) If so, what kind? If not, bump.
167) Have tattoos?
168 ) If so, what? If not, bump.
169) Play a sport?
170) If so, which? If not, bump.
171) Have a Wii?
172) Super Nintendo?
173) GameCube?
174) X-Box?
175) N64?
176) Have any mangas?
177) If so, which? If not, bump.
178 ) Have any pets?
179) Have a cellphone?
180) Have your own computer?
181) Have the "Christmas Spirit"?
182) Watch MTV or VH1?
183) Believe in God?
184) Believe in Santa?
~ More Random ninja ~
185) Are you enjoying this quiz, or the gold you're earning?
186) What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
187) Why?
188 ) Would you want to be a superhero?
189) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Only ONE please.
190) Who do you like best, Superman or Batman?
191) Have I repeated any of these questions yet?
192) What's your favorite emotion? whee
193) Post it 5 times in seperate posts. 3nodding
194) What are your hobbies?
195) What's your mood right now?
196) Am I being annoying?
197) What kind or music do you like?
198 ) What's the worst thing you've ever ate?
199) What rating would you give my avvie?
~ Favorites ~
200) What's your favorite animal?
201) Why?
202) What is your favorite movie?
203) Why?
204) What's your favorite television show?
205) Why?
206) What's your favorite console?
207) Favorite game for it?
208 ) What's your favorite video game ever?
209) Why?
210) What's your favorite holiday?
211) Why?
212) What's your favorite genre of music?
213) What's your favorite artist/band?
214) What's your favorite song(s)?
215) What's your favorite soda?
~ Can you? ~
216) Swim?
217) Juggle?
218 ) Ride a bike?
219) Do a backbend?
220) Do a backflip?
221) Cook (good)?
222) Keep your room clean?
223) Do 500 + 3214 - 120 x 12 in your head?
224) Spell Super-Cali-Fragil-Istic-Espi-Ali-Docious?
225) Finish the rest of this quiz in 15 minutes, while still following the rules stated in the first post?
226) Push a car up a hill?
227) Sing?
228 ) Dance?
229) Act?
230) Play soccer?
231) Play football?
232) Play basketball?
233) Play baseball?
234) Run really fast?
235) Jump unusually high?
~ Do These For Me (Pwease whee ) ~
236) Post each letter of "GaiaOnline" in a separate post.
237) Post each letter of your name in a separate post.
238 ) Post each letter of your username in a separate post.
239) Post each letter of the word "please" in a separate post.
240) Post the numbers 1-10 in a separate post.
241) Bump once.
242) Post each letter of "GaiaOnline" backwards in a separate post. (E-N-I-L-N-O-A-I-A-G)
243) Post each number, counting down from 10, in a separate post.
244) Post each letter of your favorite movie in a separate post.
245) Post each letter of your favorite color in a separate post.
246) Post each letter of your favorite candy in a separate post.
247) Post the numbers 11-20 in a separate post.
248 ) Post each number, counting down from 5, in a separate post.
249) Post each letter of "post" in a separate post.
250) Tell me, do you hate these things I want you to do?
251) Post how much gold you now have.
~ Even More Random ~
252) Have you ever ate broccoli?
253) If so, did you like it? If not, why haven't you?
254) Have you ever lied to your parents and they busted you right on the spot?
255) Have you ever snuck out at night?
256) Have you ever entered the Avatar Arena?
257) Have you ever entered the Art Arena?
258 ) Have you ever entered the Home Arena?
259) Have you ever donated anything to anyone?
260) Have you ever been in a hospital for something serious?
261) Have you ever had food poisoning?
262) Do you have your drivers lisence?
263) Have you ever taken a whole onion and just...bit into it?
264) Have you ever visted another COUNTRY?
265) Do you move often?
266) How many states have you visited?
267) Have you ever failed a grade?
268 ) Are you a "Straight-A" student?
269) Were you ever a "Straight-A" student?
270) Are you allergic to anything?
271) Do you have a job?
~ Last of the This or That ~
272) Book or movie?
273) Cartoon or regular TV?
274) Hamster or rabbit?
275) Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
276) YIM or MSN IM?
277). Neopets or Gaia?
278 ) Bath or shower?
279) Sweet or unsweetend tea?
280) Pacman or Mrs. Pacman?
281) Mario or Luigi?
282) Wii or PS2?
283) DVD player or handheld DVD player?
284) Monday or Friday?
285) Friday or Saturday?
286) Ice cream or milkshake?
287) Stranded on an island or lost in a forest?
288 ) Ocean or lake?
289) Beach or mountains?
290) Quiz or no quiz?
291) Gold or GOLD!?
~ Yes... More Random ~
292) Have you ever gone bowling?
293) Have you ever gone skating?
294) Can you ice skate?
295) Do you go to the movie theaters often?
296) Does your family eat out a lot?
297) Have you ever done something, and it was blamed on someone else, and you let them take the blame?
298 ) What's your favorite restaurant?
299) What is your favorite Gaia Collectible?
300) Do you shop online?
301) Do you have an obsession with any celebrities?
302) If so, who? If not, do you have any obsessions at all?
303) What's your least favorite dessert?
304) Are you ready for this quiz to be over?
305) Do you know how many questions are on this quiz?
306) Do you enjoy shopping?
307) Can you skateboard?
308 ) Do you play a lot of video games?
309) Have you ever gone camping?
310) Have you ever gone rock-climbing?
~ The End ~]~ The End ~]
312) Are you glad you took this quiz?
313 What did you think of the quiz?
314) Did you answer every question?
315) Would you recommend this quiz to a friend?
316) Are you GOING to recommend this quiz to a friend?
317) Did you enjoy this quiz?
318 ) Did you almost die of boredom?
319) Would you do this quiz again?
321) Did you notice the #s that were missing?
322) How much gold did you start out with?
323) How much gold do you now have?
324) Did you get as much gold you wanted to earn?
325) How much gold did you earn?
Doncha wysh ur gurlfriend wuz hawt lyke me!