OC's place of birth: Hills of Gold
OC's description:Female, 21year, 180cm tall, she has normal-big breasts her skin is : human B potion rofl her hair is long and some kind of white/pink, eyes are glow red.. sometimes she has an angry expression sometimes is just empty/bored. White wings. A nose chain and butterfly necklace and earrings. Armour is a dark grey and dark red.In battle she uses dual swords
OC's personality: She is very lazy and most of the time quiet and always bored.She gets angry very easily but when she need to do things she became a natural leader that doesn't hesitate to do anything...
OC's story:When she was only 9 years old her village was attacked by the Dark Alliance and lost her family. She became a slave and was tortures and beaten until one day she became empty without felling any more pain.
She started to learn they're way of living and doing things. At the age of 12 she found Sacred Room of Knowlege of the dark elfs.
After she stole one of the sacred scroll she run away into the mountains where after some days of hunger she lose her counsciousnes. A party of ------ warriors that passed those parts found her and took care of her. They took her with them and changed her appearance so that anyone couldn't notice that she is an Ancient Kamael.
She grow up with them and learned many useful things and she fall in love with the parry leader even do he was a dark elf. His name was Keynar.
One day she decide to show him the scroll that she stoled from the castle and found out that the scroll had the secret tecnique that could make possible learning the skills of a Spectral Dancer on other races.
She started to train for becoming a Spectral Dancer.
They started to grow up an army of --------- warriors and begin to search for the greatest equipment and they became strong and rich.
After 2 years they decided to attack the Rune Castle and they conquer it after a long battle. One year after they great conquer they fall in a quest trap of one traitor they had in they're army and Keynar dies...
After his dead she became the new leader of the Rune Castle and army and decided to show everyone her true nature that has the ability of a dark elf and the strength of an Ancient Kamael.
She made an alliance with the humans and declared war to the Dark Alliance who stolen the most precious thing that she had.
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