I know, they seem more like symbols to me than letters .-.
(v.v)/ anyways, wanted to write something on my journal since its
empty i guess :'D, I have been SOOO BUSY lately drawing
@___@; its unbearable, plus school is getting worst, at least
summer begins on June 11th ( ;^ u^) yaaaay!! FINALLY
ugh!! D:, You know its pretty tough when you draw with
your left hand in rl, and on the computer with the right one
(yes i use a mouse to draw, i dont have the privilege to buy
a tablet thank you.) ; w; OHH WUT makes better my day is
Hot mint Tea!! ohohoho yesh, that makes my day when
im drawing. Now that i think of, i have been absent 3 days from
school (X_X)! ahhhhh! , (i have a horrible cold), and pills dont
work on me tho they do make me sleepy OxO; !! -sigh- thats
it for now, got nothing else to say cya....