This is my Sweetheart! heart heart
Lol, yeah, this DYNAMO is mine! wink

Hi Fellow Gaians! I've been on Gaia since February 2004 after my kids got me hooked. Since then I've collected so much trivial ( and I do mean TRIVIAL! ) garbage in my inventory that I had to create a mule. So my mule became my main account while my original has suffered in silence. gonk I am just one of Gaia's GREATEST THREAD KILLERS. Some of us no matter what we say that contributes to a topic, never gets a reply and no one posts after us and the thread dies. I'm also a shameless Gaian Game collector and Marketplace SHOPAHOLIC!!! blaugh Listed below are some of the things I like in my life without getting into the whole personal side of things, which would bore everyone to tears anyway (deliriously married to the dude above, complete with a house, car, kids, grandkids and pets...one dog and four cats). As to how old I am, lets just say I remember dancing to this song as a teen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwVb4cAaJ3E ... and partying to these guys music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XikK2RJdZ18 Yeah. I'm THAT old. But, hopefully that won't bother you and as you scroll down the list of my favorites maybe we'll have some in common. If you find yourself here leave a HELLO and I promise I'll leave one on your profile. Always remember to find at least one thing to smile and laugh about in your day, and never forget to say I love you to at least one person each day. Have a good day, take care and be safe! Ira.
Favorite movie Quote... "I call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man!" "Fill your hands you son of a %^$#@!"
John Wayne True Grit
Favorite words ever said in a television series... "Ambassador, while I was out there, I saw something." pause, "What was it?" Sighs,"What is this? pointing to flower. Looks at what he's pointing to, "An ant." "Ant." Repeats what she said as he lookd at the ant. Sakai smiles as she watches him pick the ant up on his finger,"So much gets shipped up here on earths commercial transports it's hard to keep them out." "There. I have just picked it up on the tip of my glove." Holds his gloved finger up as ant ceawls around on it. "If I put it down again," places fingertip to flower again and lets ant crawl away, "and it asks another ant, 'what was that?!' how would it explain?" pauses thoughtfully, "There are things in this universe billions of years older than either of out races. Vast. Timeless. And if they're aware of us at all it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried. And we have learned that we can either stay out from under foot, or be stepped on." "Thats it? Thats all you know?" "Yes. They are a mystery, and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the universe. That we have not yet 'explained' everything." smiles, "Whatever they are miss Sakai, they walk near Sigma 957. And they must walk there alone."
Ja'Kar to Miss Sakai in the scifi series, Babylon 5.
Irahatam · Tue May 04, 2010 @ 06:42pm · 0 Comments |