I looked around the madness of the cafeteria. I walked past the preps,jocks,nerds,geeks,ghetto hood, and to the gothic kids. My friend Melissa comes and stands next to me. Her long blonde hair with black tips was in a high pony tail. She had on black skinny jeans and a blue tank top. Compared to me with jet black hair, which I wore in high pig tails, she was far more beautiful. Her green eyes shone with such care. And me with hazel eyes that covered the hurt. She is a happy emo.
"Good Morning Izzy!" She greeted me with a smile. I simply looked at her. Melissa was so good at knowing when something happened. She leaned in close and whispered "Did Mark do it again?" All I did was shake my head.
"He hasn't for the past month." I answer simply. I was no morning person and discussing this now didn't make it better.
"Hey girlies over there!" We turned and saw matt standing there smiling. "Are you going to ignore us forever?" He gestured to Marcus standing next to him. Melissa and I walked over. She went and stood with Marcus, whom she was currently dating.
Marcus had on a "Seether" shirt and baggy black jeans. His hair was long and covered part of his face. He was easy going and that fit perfectly with Melissa. I averted my eyes, it made me somewhat sick to see the lovey dovey couple every morning.
I turned to Matt and looked at him. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Matt was in his usual "Green Day" shirt under a leather jacket. His black and grey camo pants hung a little low. His grey eyes were the kind I got lost in.
Matt wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. He was one of the few who knew what happened with Mark. In fact I had gone to his house after and cried my eyes out until I fell asleep on his couch from exhaustion.
The bell rang and all at once the crowd of teenagers started to move at once. Matt let go of me and led me through the crowd.
Randy the Jock hit me in the arm. He turned to his friends and laughed. Matt shoved him.
"Apologize!" I grabbed Matt's arm and pulled him back.
"It's fine. Just forget it." I tried to pull him away but he wouldn't move.
"I don't think I will,freak." Randy had always hated Matt. If I don't get them away from each other a fight will happen, I though.
"I think you will." Matt was getting mad.
"Can we just go? if I am late again Mark will give me trouble." Matt knew I hated trouble. Matt glanced at me and nodded.
As hard as Randy tried he couldn't get Matt to turn around. He led me down the halls of ugly yellow lockers. I kept my eyes on the numbers.
"Did Mark...?" Matt curled his fist.
"No. He hasn't for a month." I was tired of being asked this. Even if it were true I would lie and say no. No need to worry everyone. Every time they ask I remember that horrible night.
It was cold and raining. Matt had dropped me off after we saw the movie "Halloween." People knew we were together even if we didn't act like it. I walked into the house using the key I had been given.It was dark in the house. I walked into the living room and saw Mark sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. This meant one thing, He and mom had fought and mom had left.
I quickly decided to try and tip toe past him. But that night wasn't my night.
"Izzy,get over here!" Mark's voice was slurred and I was scared. So not to anger him I walked slowly to stand in front of him. "Where were you?" His breath smelled strongly of beer.
" With Matt." I answered in a whisper.
" Lier!" He yelled. next thing I felt was his palm slapping me across my face. All I could do was gasp. The slap sent me reeling back, tripping over the coffee table. I tried to pick myself up but he kicked me in my gut. I started to crawl away but he followed.
" Please. Please Mark stop." I was starting to cry. I turned on my back and looked at him pleadingly, all the while crawling on my back.
"Just like your mother. Always asking things of me. You look like her too." There was a look of madness. I just looked at him crying. All I could do was watch him take off his belt. It was black leather and I knew what was coming next. He brought it down across my stomach. I cried out as he hit me again.
After a while he stopped with the belt, I was still crying. He had gone upstairs to sober up. I sat up crying as I grabbed my keys.
I drove as if in a trance. My eyes filling with tears. The whole time I was driving I was thinking that it was all my fault.
OK! This is Mara! Just to let you know Matt is going to be after my friend Jesse!Mostly cause he is such a protector and thats what Matt is. Melissa is Cat. Since she is such a good caring friend like Melissa. Mark isn't really after anyone. So yeah thats it for now. I am working on chapter 2 so be patient! I have been busy. So Comment and tell me what you think. Also how either Melissa or Matt could be improved!
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I have ALOT 2 say! heres my words from my own writting! BEWARE OF HATERS!
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