He's leaving tomorrow and I am sad. I'll miss everything about him: when we swam in his pool and saw that butterfly, went to his room and played with his legos while we watched movies, and when we slow danced in his garage. He was one if the bestest friends I've ever had and that will never change. As years passed, I still think about him. The minute I got a BF, I had no feeling for him but I wanted to make the most of him... but I never felt anything. We broke up and I felt free. I never could compare to the things that me and him did like the slow dance in the garage, but the other wanted to kick things off right away and I get dizzy thinking about how he tried to start getting me in the mood for a kiss (I WOULDN'T LET HIM) and that made it all the more worse. So as you're gone, Alex, I still think about you and how the last time we saw eachother was in a department store in 2007 but I never let that go... so my heart is raised to you, Alex, take it when you're ready.
heart ed you forever and always
- Katie
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