Total Value: 1,054,181 Gold
Item List:
Atrum Egg
The Nightmare 3rd Gen.
The Nightmare
The Nightmare
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea
Blue Alien Tattoo
Dark Ice
Dark Ice
Dark Ice

Total Value: 649,354 Gold
Item List:
Louie's Underwear
Voracious Fog
Voracious Fog
Voracious Fog
Voracious Fog
Voracious Fog
The Nightmare 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Diapered Egg 3rd gen.
Super Powers
Black Body Dye

Total Value: 3,286,979 Gold, 110,000 Tickets
Item List:
The Nightmare
The Nightmare 3rd Gen.
Dragon and Kai (in heaven)
Spartan Gloves
Those Brown 90s Gloves
Bone Demon Mask
Nano-C 2nd Gen
Black Body Dye
The Cosmos
Onyx Bolster Sword
Ancient Katana
Spartan Belted Bottoms
Black GPD Protective Vest
Ancient Katana
The Nightmare 3rd Gen.

Total Value: 587,757 Gold
Item List:
Hand Wraps
Dragon and Kai (in heaven)
Heavenly Awesome
The Cosmos
Feet Wraps
Ancient Katana
Red Fundoshi
Upper Arm Bandage
Knotted Rope
Wooden Sandals - M
Light of Heaven

Total Value: 7,448,849 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Frostbite Blade
Ancient Katana
Picolitrosso's Urn
Fallen Wish 6th Gen.
Green Alien Tattoo
Fallen Wish 4th Gen.
Fallen Wish 8th Gen.
Fallen Wish 8th Gen.
Winged Anklets
Mercury's Moon
White Body Dye
Carol of Ol' Nick 3rd gen.
Albus Egg
The Nightmare in the Darkness

Total Value: 2,211,685 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Atrum Egg
Dark Halo
Dark Halo
Dark Halo
Anima Adamantea
Silent Night
Anima Adamantea
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Blue Alien Tattoo
Dark Ice
Dark Ice
Dark Ice

Total Value: 3,787,270 Gold
Item List:
Chill of Artemis
Heavenly Drapes
The Cosmos
The Cosmos
Ancient Katana
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.
Bone Demon Mask
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis

Total Value: 16,480,234 Gold
Item List:
Cherry Blossom
Winter Rose
Grace of Aphrodite
White Body Dye
The Cosmos
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.
Fremere's Guard
Warmth of Apollo
Spring Nymph
Spring Nymph
Carol of Ol' Nick 3rd gen.
Fremere's Guard
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.
Warmth of Apollo
Warmth of Apollo
Warmth of Apollo
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis

Total Value: 2,890,855 Gold
Item List:
Moon Lantern
The Cosmos
Voracious Fog
Voracious Fog
Divided Stars
Divided Stars
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Padmavati's Lotus 7th Gen.
The Case of Pietro
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 2nd gen.
Fremere's Guard
Coal Tavern Wench's Bustier
Kuro Kosode

Total Value: 10,280,193 Gold
Item List:
Warmth of Apollo
Warmth of Apollo
Bone Demon Mask
Death Whisper (12th gen)
Gogh Reed
Albus Egg
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Infernal Spirit 5th Gen
Audrey's Black Long Gloves
Warmth of Apollo
Fremere's Guard 2nd Gen.
Fremere's Guard 2nd Gen.
Black Tabi
Gogh Reed 2nd Gen.