I want to get all of the IE but I'm not sure i want them all, but I list them all. I know which ones I want and I will put little hearts by them, the one I have evny faces. Crying for the one I am going after.
Alruna's Rose mrgreen
Anima Adamatea
Biancamella mrgreen
Captain Ara's Nestegg heart
Carol of Ol'ebenezer heart
Carol of Ol' Nick heart
Ce.CH.be Embryonic Vail
Changeling baby Boy
Changeling baby Girl
Classilke mrgreen
Coocoon mrgreen
Dander heart
DandiiDooDad Spore mrgreen
Death Whisper heart
Diapered Egg
Dionaesil mrgreen
Enchanted Book mrgreen
Fallen Star heart
Fausto's Bottle mrgreen
Fremere's Guard mrgreen
Furugasa mrgreen
Gimpi mrgreen
Gogh Reed heart
Green Corallus Egg mrgreen mrgreen I have two!
Hermes Moon mrgreen
Holy $#17 heart
Inari's Beads mrgreen
Infernal Spirit heart
Jinxi's Charm
Kelp o' th' Loch mrgreen
Kottan Bell mrgreen
Lyndexer's Journal heart
Ma.Ov.ph embryonic Vial
Masquerade heart
Nartian Rock heart
Orindae mrgreen
Padmavati's Lotus mrgreen
Pantherscaras Agate mrgreen
Picolitrosso's Urn mrgreen
Poral Ice mrgreen
Pt.An.sa Embryonic Vial
Reve Rouille heart
Tama's Basket mrgreen
The Experiment mrgreen
Titan's legecy mrgreen
Trick or Treat Bag heart
Ty.Go.li Embryonic Vail
White Drome Egg mrgreen
Wingding mrgreen
Yama no Tamago heart
Wed to Darkness mrgreen
Yemaya's Pearl mrgreen
So I am unsure of which I want to Quest for first, so i think I will go with Cheap Costly cheap Costly, that way I feel like I am making some head way.
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