In the center of stillness brings you to view life's stressful situations with the stillness of God. heart heart For example, every thought that you have is based on the moment in life as it happens. when things pile on you, it can sometimes feel like your head is going to pop. If you can balance your thoughts and get your mind to be tuned in and aware of your mind's thoughts when it races with worries..what should I do's and what way should I handle this problem....The key is let the stillness of Gods time come over you like a wave of trust and Love. It is not putting things off no, It is when you come to spot you can not see or feel what to do next. That is the moment you trust that stillness. mrgreen believe and wait. That is the moment you breathe. That is the stillness when you refresh your thoughts with positive hope of working everything out to your blessing. Making reality change to your favor. Creating your world you live in is a possible concept. I witness it daily. There will always be things in life that will seems stressful if you allow to be. Stress is not in this world just people thinking stressful thoughts....thoughts can change your whole out look....sometimes, we get so focused on the petty little things so much that we lose time of our truth. Our mission we lose track that we need to flow with life..we just need to learn to be aware and know when to let it go and be wait......I been daily balancing myself and truly get tested on a the things..daily... There are things I am trying to be aware of. Like when to let go and let God on the things I can not control. It sometimes feels like my knees are going to buckle and truthfully sometimes they do. rolleyes but I am evolving learning and it is ok to slip as long as I learn to be aware for next time. One fact I have witnessed on my daily walking with Gods eyes and that is... The more I dive in the depths of awareness of the harsh and rough tests and lessons of living situations..The more I know myself and why I feel those emotions of why me? accepting of my emotions.... and moments of pride in successfully passing life's tests and lessons, counting blessings, and walking with courage...I feel comforted that in my positive view is the right path and goal for my spirit. I am the soldier for God. I am the warrior that will overcome all things as they pass and I stand eternally with pride and Love for my awareness of self truth. I know for a fact that the unconditional Love I feel is truly a blessing from God. because I am daily showing my salvation. My own foot work towards a positive goal of LOVE.
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