As written by Lantis Lossëhelin, Lord of Hall N____, on this night the 18th of March.
As I stated earlier, this great demon was proficient in a number of fighting styles and also held numerous powers. There seemed to be no method to which she chose at any given moment, just as there was no one theme to classify them all. When the carnage was done she feasted upon this corpse and that one, finding revolting one flesh which she had torn into greedily not seconds before. I crept closer and implored her name; she spoke in screeches and screams as like unto a bat, and before the great noise split my ears asunder I made out the word "Yana."
I followed her in her trail of destruction for many nights even after my hearing returned. At times she would answer simple questions, but I soon found the answers given did not always match. The mark on her forehead was a tribal tattoo, or a birthmark, or a mystical emblem tied to a supernatural source of power. Her past was never the same from night to night or even hour to hour. But her faith in each and every testimony was unshakable. It seemed that, like her features, her memories were a blurred and mismatched mass impossible to untangle.
I am firmly convinced that this being is older than I, my sire, or the sire before he could begin to comprehend. What god or gods in their right minds could have created such a discordant being? I posed this question countless times but could never fathom the answer. She is a slave to her memories, starting from the beginning countless times daily and producing naught save for destruction.
It did not take long to realize the parallel to my own existence. I, like many others, wallowed in my memories instead of pursuing my true desires. That very night the decision was made to cast off the shackles of my past that my labors may endeavor to some worthwhile cause. I keep this experience as a caveat to all of the destructive power of memories.
WOW. That was a trip. My first entry (or pair of entries I should say) came from an idea that had been niggling in my head for several days. Not only do I have a million original characters, but I'm starting to create alternate universe versions of them all. (Talk about confusion. @.@) This comes from the Halloween Crack-verse (I should really give it a more impressive name), which was created in October 2006 as a result of seeing the character designs for the webcomic Ever After. It's basically a Halloween-town of sorts with many of my characters as demons, undead, and other generally creepy life forms. Yes, Lantis is a vampire. A freaking scary son-of-a-b*tch at that. It was a crack universe so I didn't plan to make his backstory anything more than a nebulous black hole of a nightmare, but as I started writing I discovered how eerily this story fit in with his mindset.
Yana is my first roleplay character. I created her in '98 or '99 and used her (or different attributes of her) in so many different chat room and forum RPs that I can't remember them all. In every situation I would tweak her to fit with the rules of that world. I don't even remember how I got on the subject of the Halloween Crack-verse again, but I realized that Yana, having no actual cannon backstory, would be a….well, the exact thing I just wrote about. O.O; Oh, and that "pillar of crafted steel which emitted a sword of pure energy"? It’s a lighsaber. xd She was in a Star Wars RP back in 2002 or thereabouts, and was actually trained in the Jedi Academy. Force powers and demon powers make for scary, scary, uncontrollable rage. I should also let you know that the only reason I split it in the middle was because it was 3am when I finished the first half and I wanted to get some sleep. sweatdrop I decided to date the first part the "17th" even though it was the 18th when I posted it because this Lantis measures his days from sunrise to sunrise. He is a vampire after all. You know a story is great inspiration when even the method of archiving tells you more about the character.
This story is slowly growing, and I already have the idea for my next entry. Hopefully you guys will like it as much as this one!
Feel free to comment on any of my entries; I love knowing the effect of my writing! Stories in my head tend to be pits of pure emotion, and the more feedback I get the better I can be at translating that emotion into words and into your heads.