No civilization has been without it... that is why we have holidays. I, however, would make sure my people celebrated occasions of only the utmost importance. None of this "groundhog day" or "dead so-and-so day" business. That creates weakness. A society that feels the need to pat itself on the back for things it had no part in accomplishing or things it made up and assigned meaningfulness to is doomed- ego is a good thing, but not in the hands of the masses. That is my job.
Rituals will include celebration will be determined on a yearly basis, meaning each year we will have different festivities, decided upon by myself, and my council of feasts. The council will merely serve as an indicator of when the public becomes restless, where in it will be time for me to announce some new celebration. There will be only one festival held on an annual, consistent basis. That will be the festial dedicated to me. It is imporant that the people have ritual, that they sense within the government consistency and associate it with my authority, and that they have an opportunity to relax- uptight citizens are the things of uprisings, after all. We Love Her Majesty Day will be on my birthday.
Ah... yes... birthdays. I don't see any particular problem with celebrating birthdays, but they are not to get out of hand- birthday celebrations should not be as elaborate or as anticipated as state-decreed celebrations. It is imporant that the state remain in control of the most adored holidays. In doing so, we will control the most popular outlets of deviant behavior, of wild expression, and of overindulgence. That is the key.
Also...we will not have holidays like v-day. sad
JediPwnces · Fri Feb 04, 2005 @ 06:08am · 1 Comments |
There's more to it than just that. |
Public image is everything. You could be scum... and eat babies... and worship demons and large rocks. You could wear socks with sandals. But as long as the people see what they want to see in you, and as long as there's a thick enough veil between what you really do and what you tell them you're doing, you're golden.
The trick is to know what it is they want. Democracy, in that regard, has its perks, but it's not flawless. What's needed is a system of inventory of needs and values. Electronic, probably... like little microchips we can place in everyone upon birth 'so that the government will know better how to serve' the general public. Then images can be created by a group of quick thinkers... psychologists and sociologists will finally have found their place in the world. What would be better still is a system that allows each member of society to see the leader (me) as they want to see them- in general, this was the plan all along, but on further consideration, I realize that would be difficult, as everyone wants different things. So each person, by means of the aforementioned chips, would also be made to see the leader according to their own political inclinations- practically precisely what they want ruling over them, with minor imperfections, so as to keep things believable. Then, my vast and varied charismatic presence will trump whatever public dissent may arise as a result of me doing things my way and not theirs.
So... microchips, good PR, rubber gloves, and an attitude of indifference. There'll be more later. I haven't even considered the unfortunate details of mutineers, betrayers, and intellectuals.
JediPwnces · Wed Jan 05, 2005 @ 07:02am · 2 Comments |
It's come to my attention that those who desire power often misuse it... Not necessarily abuse it, as tradition would have you understand. That doesn't cover the vast degrees of misuse, 'abuse'. Abuse is... intentional. But there are those, too, who, once they have the object of their desire, don't know how to hold it, really. Kind of fumble their roll to keep it in their hands, or not trip over it, or what have you. Up it flies, slippery as power is, and down again, thanks to gravity... and then, either it gets lost in some -archy bushes, or it splatters and ends up in any number of smaller pieces in the hands of those slightly more stable and less important.
Having taken note of this, however, I think I shall be better prepared to handle power, once I get my hands on it. I will buy myself a fine pair of rubber gloves... and I'll carry a false attitude of indifference toward the power. If the power doesn't know I want it, it might be less inclined to muck things up, eh? Eh. I'll not have my power leaking to the wider levels of my political pyramid, thank you. It'll stay safely, conveniently located at the top. With me. Yes sir. And so it begins.
JediPwnces · Sat Jan 01, 2005 @ 03:55am · 0 Comments |