This is a random collection of insanity. Have fun and enter at your own risk.
Death to Faunzy and his frickin flute.
I say, first we tie him up, then we wax all his fur off. Then we chop his hooves off, and make him watch as we melt them down into glue. Next to saw off his horns and put them on a cheap halloween mask. Next we wear the mask, and slowly chop his legs up, stopping around the calves. Then we do many many bad things to his groin area... which I will not write down. We undo his belly button and pull his intestines out through the hole. We also have to slice his ears off, and put some random kind of candy in the holes on the side of his head. Next, we get a spork, we spork one eye out, so he can still see for a little bit. We scalp him, so that his skull and brain are undamaged, and keep him hydrated and having enough blood through an IV of course. The we go for his other eye... but not with a spork. This on requires an incredibly dull butter knife. Then we just kinda kill him... And feed his body to the wild things collectible.
Taiga: ... Sakura, I knew you were messed up, but JESUS GOD now I'm afraid to sleep in the same room as you tonight. sweatdrop
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to make me tame.